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Born Pandemic-Coronavirus Complicates Maternal and Baby Delivery


Mallorypiece’s contraction became even stronger as her husband, Mitchell, took her to Oak Lawn Hospital in Marshall, Michigan, and gave birth to a second child. It was a routine pregnancy, but she told her doctor that she had recently developed sore throat, aching, coughing, shortness of breath-a symptom her provider knew could indicate COVID-19. There is.

So, when she arrived at the hospital, she was taken to the quarantine area, tested for coronaviruses, and oxygenated. She gave birth to a shallow breath when she gave birth to her daughter on March 23 in about five hours.

But she was able to hold a small alibia for just five minutes before the newborn was taken to the nursery. Ms. Peace, 27, was transferred to the COVID-19 floor where she was tested positive. By the next morning she was ill and her doctor had talked about putting her on a ventilator.

Her heart was anxious to embrace her newborn, as she had difficulty breathing and was worried about her life. Instead, she firmly held that brief momentary memory.

She said when she finally hugged Alivia in her arms four days later.

Throughout the United States, COVID-19 is radically changing the healthcare of pregnant women and their babies into the world, not just the vulnerable elderly. “In the past six weeks, our entire world, known to be normal, has completely turned around,” said Dr. Edithchen, chief of the Department of Maternal and Fetal Medicine at the University of Washington.

Hospitals from Seattle to St. Louis recommend isolating infected mothers from newborns for a few days, forgetting the closeness of skin-to-skin contact and sometimes breastfeeding to prevent the infant from getting sick. Seeking a woman.

The action is based on guidance from the Medical Association. Center for Disease Control and Prevention officials advised total segregation until: Updated guidance on April 4 Consider on a case-by-case basis.

Separation opposes the birth planning of almost all parents and opposes the best research on family-centered care. But experts say it is important to implement protection given the evolving understanding of the effects of COVID-19 during pregnancy and childbirth.

“If my mother is infected at birth, can my baby be infected? The answer is yes, less commonly, yes,” said Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. American Academy of Pediatrics Guidelines About COVID-19 and newborns.

The number of pregnant women infected with COVID-19 across the United States is unclear. 1 initial report.

Many pregnant women are infected and may not know. 215 women were given birth at New York Presbyterian Allen Hospital and Columbia University Irving Medical Center in New York City from March 22 to April 4 About 15% positive Due to the coronavirus, but the majority showed no symptoms on admission.

Scattered reports of infants with possible coronaviruses are emerging nationally. However, a nine-month-old baby in Chicago who tested positive for COVID-19 died in March. Further investigation I raised a question as to whether a virus was the cause. A virus-positive 6-week-old girl died in Connecticut this month. Investigation continues To her cause of death. The Governor of Kentucky recently announced that the new case in the state will include a boy on the 10th.

Very young babies may be at higher risk of serious complications from COVID-19 than other children. In the United States, young people under the age of 18 make up less than 2% of all COVID-19 cases, whereas children are mostly hospitalized by infants, According to CDC. Of the 95 children under the age of 1 who were hospitalized between February 12 and April 2, at least 59 were hospitalized and 5 were hospitalized in the ICU.

That information—plus Limited data Cheng changed the mindset of many obstetricians about infectious diseases in babies in China.

In the last few weeks, several pregnant women infected with COVID-19 have given birth to a hospital in Chen’s UW Medical Center in Seattle. Their newborn was sent to a special section of the neonatal intensive care unit. In other facilities, the separation takes the newborn baby to another room or keeps the mother and baby in the same room, but they are often 6 feet apart and separated by a curtain.

Mothers, and sometimes fathers, can also get sick for three days or a week after the first symptoms, whichever is more severe.

Due to the lack of data on the impact of COVID-19, some experts question whether it is wise or justified to separate the mother from the newborn. Dr. Yalda Afshar, OB-GYN at UCLA Health in Los Angeles, said breaking the bonds that occur on the first days of life can have far-reaching consequences.

“It’s completely data-blind, but it’s wrong to give counseling about female and infant outcomes,” she said.

Afshar and colleagues at the University of California, San Francisco are nationwide to fill the gaps in the data. Pregnancy registration To follow the effects of COVID-19 on pregnant women and their newborns. Already, more than 1,000 people have signed up for this study.

Sylvana Vergarat Bin, 33, who runs an online art gallery in New York City, is one of them. Tobin became sick with COVID-19 in mid-March and is worried about the potential impact on her boy, who is due to give birth in August.

“What really scares me is that I might get it again,” Tobin said. The symptoms included sinus headaches, body aches, and persistent coughing. “Alternatively, the baby couldn’t get the immunity, so he might get it when he is born.”

The registry tracks women and their babies from early pregnancy through the first year of life and tries to answer basic questions. “Is a pregnant woman with COVID more severe, mild, or a different illness?” Afchar said. “Is it transmitted in the uterus? Does it cause birth defects?”

Doctors and patients said they were still frustrated by the many uncertainties.

Alaine Gilpin, who lives near Louisville, Kentucky, was positive for COVID-19 in early April after a month of cough, but had no other symptoms. She gave birth to Norton Women & Children’s Hospital on April 11, 5 and a half months pregnant. The baby boy weighed 1 pound, 9 ounces and needed the help of a ventilator. “Is this the result of COVID?”

In order to protect moms and babies, many hospitals with sufficient test kits have begun to test every woman present at birth. Dr Chemen Neal, OB-GYN at Indiana University Health, said her colleague bathed a baby from a COVID-positive mother shortly after birth. And, like other medical professionals, they’re about to milk or breastfeed each mother only after washing her torso and hands and wearing a surgical mask. I talk.

Birth of COVID-19 can be particularly difficult at some hospitals. For example, at the Barnes Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, symptomatic women are unable to deliver in a normal delivery area because they are in a building housing immunocompromised patients. A mother with a triage tent installed outdoors and a known or suspected COVID-19 is sent to a special delivery area via the emergency room.

Another challenge is ensuring the safety of the baby after discharge. Ideally, experts recommend that another caregiver provide daily care while the infected mother is 6 feet away from the baby, but this is often the case, especially for women without family support. Is difficult

After returning home, I worry that the virus could infect my baby. Prior to accepting Alivia at her aunt’s house, and for the next few days, she wore a mask and “washed my hands like crazy,” she said.

However, over time, Peace’s symptoms were alleviated and she became stronger. Although she is still tired in the evening, she is now able to feed, dress and care for her newborn. And she said her bond with the baby was strong.

“Alivia is good, she is happy,” Pease said. “She never skipped a beat.”

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