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Researchers reveal the role of hypothalamic astrocytes in obesity-related hypertension


For the first time, researchers have succeeded in demonstrating the role of hypothalamic astrocytes in obesity-related hypertension. In addition, they showed that the hormone leptin is involved in the increase in hypothalamic blood vessels in obese mice and contributes to hypertension. Helmholtz Zentrum München led the study and collaborated with Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Technische Universität München and the German Diabetes Center.

Hypertension is a widespread comorbidity in obese patients and significantly increases the risk of death and disability. In recent years, researchers have discovered that a high-calorie diet increases vascular density (hypothalamic) in the hypothalamus. This is an important “feeding control” area of ​​our brain. Researchers have hypothesized that elevated levels of leptin hormones are associated with an increased risk of developing high blood pressure. However, the exact mechanism that contributes to the condensed growth of blood vessels in the hypothalamus was unknown.

A new study conducted by the Cristina García-Cáceres research group at Helmholtz Zentrum München found that obese mice do not increase the amount of blood vessels in the hypothalamus when the hormone leptin is deficient. Leptin is produced by adipose tissue and is involved in the control of hunger and satiety and plays an important role in the regulation of fat metabolism in humans and mammals.

When researchers increased the hormone leptin in these mice, certain brain cells, astrocytes, stimulated the production of certain growth factors. This growth factor, in turn, promoted the growth of blood vessels. As a result, the number of blood vessels in the hypothalamus increased (and there were no other brain regions). Therefore, scientists have demonstrated that leptin is primarily involved in increasing vascular concentration in the hypothalamus, and that this process is mediated by astrocytes.

It provides a paradigm shift in understanding how the hypothalamus regulates obese blood pressure. Whereas previous studies focused primarily on neurons, our study highlights a new role for astrocytes in controlling blood pressure, which was historically thought to be less relevant than neurons. doing.

Tim Gruber, lead author

Looking to the future, one important question remains, according to research leader Christina Garcia Caceres. How accurately do astrocytes communicate with neurons? “We started answering this question using in vivo real-time imaging of the astrocyte-neuronal circuit function of the hypothalamus,” says the researchers.


Journal reference:

Gruber, T. , et al. (2021) Obesity-related hyperleptinemia alters the glial vascular interface of the hypothalamus and promotes hypertension. Cell metabolism.


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