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Why influenza vaccination should be prioritized in a pandemic

Why influenza vaccination should be prioritized in a pandemic


In the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, a frequently asked question is whether it is worth vaccination against other common infections such as influenza.

According to experts, the answer is yes. As the COVID-19 vaccination drive rolls across Singapore, Dr. Leong Choon Kit, Singapore’s Mission Medical Clinics family doctor, is even more important not to miss routine immunizations against other preventable infections such as influenza. Said that.

Dr. Leong, chairman of GP + Co-operative Limited and director of the Class Primary Care Network and Tampines Family Medicine Clinic, noted that the flu season usually occurs in Singapore from May to July and from December to February. .. , Make a fatal sacrifice of its own.

The World Health Organization estimates that seasonal influenza alone causes about 290,000 to 650,000 deaths each year from respiratory illness alone. In Singapore Local research The HealthHub suggests that there are about 1,500 flu-related hospitalizations and 588 flu-related deaths each year.

Dr. Leong said certain groups, such as the elderly and people with underlying illnesses, are particularly vulnerable to severe influenza and its potentially fatal complications.

“Influenza is often perceived as a” mild illness. ” However, influenza-related complications include pneumonia, bronchitis, sinus infections, ear infections, and even death in severe cases. Vaccination against the flu can help reduce the risk of associated complications and, as a result, prevent the immune system from weakening, thereby protecting you from other potential infections. You can, “he explained.

Dr. Leong also shared that studies have shown that the probability of death from co-infection with both COVID-19 and influenza is twice as high as that of COVID-19 alone.

“In addition, the addition of another respiratory illness in addition to COVID-19 increases the burden on the medical system and can expose it to more stress. Immunization of preventable illnesses such as influenza It helps reduce the demand for the health care system, “he said.

Influenza and COVID-19 Symptoms

Shutterstock flu woman

Common symptoms shared by COVID-19 and the flu include fever, cough, shortness of breath, malaise, sore throat, runny nose or stuffy nose, and body pain. Photo: Shutterstock

There are some important differences between COVID-19 and common flu symptoms, such as the former odor and taste loss, but their similarities are recommended to be vaccinated against the flu. Another reason.

“By being vaccinated against influenza, doctors can distinguish between COVID-19 and seasonal influenza as soon as possible and reduce the spread of the infection to the community,” said Dr. Leong.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), common symptoms shared by COVID-19 and influenza include fever, cough, shortness of breath, malaise, sore throat, stuffy or stuffy nose, and body pain. There is.

However, there are some important differences between the symptoms of influenza and COVID-19. Dr. Leon said the latter can lead to loss of taste and smell, but this does not happen with influenza infections.

Sanofi infographic

Source: CDC: Similarities between influenza and COVID-19. It is available at / flu / symptoms /flu-vs-covid19.htm. WHO: COVID-19 Symptoms, available at / coronavirus / 2019-ncov / symptoms-testing /symptoms.html; CDC: Influenza Symptoms and Complications. It is available at /symptoms.htm.Infographic: Sanofi

“Most people with the flu recover within a few days to two weeks, but there are more serious complications associated with COVID-19, such as blood clots in veins and arteries and long-term damage to the body.” He added. ..

Who should be vaccinated

Under the Ministry of Health’s National Adult Vaccination Schedule (NAIS), a single dose of influenza vaccine is recommended per year. “Highly recommended” for vulnerable groups.

According to Dr. Leong, vulnerable groups include older people, toddlers, people with weakened immunity, and existing chronic illnesses such as asthma, heart disease, and diabetes. Other risk groups include children aged 6 months to 18 years and teens receiving long-term aspirin therapy, and pregnant women in late or late pregnancy.

Healthy people, such as health care workers, domestic workers, and caregivers, may also be exposed to various flu viruses on a regular basis, so it is advisable to get a flu shot every year.

“The influenza virus is constantly evolving, as is immunity to influenza. Influenza vaccination ensures consistent protection from the virus and protects itself and vulnerable groups from influenza and its associated complications. I will protect you, “he said.

Available subsidies

Influenza vaccines are currently subsidized under the National Immunization Schedule and NAIS. The vaccination scheme allows individuals to receive highly subsidized vaccinations at the Community Health Support Scheme’s General Practitioner (GP) Clinic.

Dr. Leong checked to see if he met the criteria for the subsidized vaccination and advised him to consult with the GP or his doctor for more details or make an appointment.

Influenza vaccination is given as a single injection through the skin into the muscle or under the skin.

“Adults need to get the flu vaccine once, but children under the age of 9 need to get the flu vaccine twice for proper prophylaxis. Whether your child needs two doses. The healthcare provider will let you know, “shared Dr. Leon.

Although it is safe to get a flu shot, there may be minor side effects such as pain in the affected area, muscle aches, runny nose, low-grade fever, and sore throat.

“These side effects begin immediately after influenza vaccination and usually last for a day or two. Some individuals may be at risk of developing an allergic reaction to influenza vaccination. We recommend that you consult your doctor before taking the vaccine, “added Dr. Leong.

Individuals should also consult their physician to confirm eligibility for influenza vaccination during the current COVID-19 vaccination drive.

Dr. Leon said, clarifying the misconception that the flu vaccine is a travel vaccine and is not needed if people are not traveling. “Influenza is a year-round epidemic in tropical countries like Singapore. It affects countries every year and makes its own fatal sacrifice. Waiting for COVID-19 vaccination While, play your part in protecting yourself and your loved ones from the flu by being vaccinated. “

Talk to your GP or your doctor to make an appointment and find out more about your flu shot.


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