What is RSV?Virus with symptoms like COVID spreading in the southern United States
Key Point
- RSV is not a new virus, affecting thousands of people each year
- The CDC warned that RSV cases have increased in southern states since late March
- Just like COVID-19, RSV spreads primarily through respiratory droplets.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a warning about viruses with symptoms similar to COVID-19. This is called respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and authorities have recently witnessed an increase in cases in the southern states of the United States.
RSV is not a new condition and is actually the CDC that is the most common cause of bronchiolitis and pneumonia in children under the age of 1 in the United States. Said With that health recommendation. The virus causes about 58,000 hospitalizations and 100-500 deaths in children under the age of 5 each year. In adults over the age of 65, 177,000 are hospitalized and 14,000 die each year.
The virus is transmitted via respiratory droplets when someone sneezes, coughs, or comes into contact with a contaminated surface. Not only in the United States, but elsewhere with similar climates Infectious disease occurs Mainly in autumn, winter and spring.
Increasing number of RSV cases in southern states
In 2020, RSV cases decreased, probably due to the public health measures adopted for COVID-19. However, the CDC has observed an increase in RSV cases since late March this year, especially in southern states.
“CDC is part of HHS Region 4 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee) and Region 6 (Arkansas) for both laboratory detection and antigen and PCR testing. We noted an increase in the rate of positive detections (Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas). “
Covid-like symptoms
The CDC advises clinicians to be aware of RSV symptoms of different age groups. For example, in adults and older children, the symptoms of RSV tend to be mild and can “mimic” common cold symptoms such as sneezing, sore throat, low-grade fever, and headaches.May York Clinic OK..
However, infants, the elderly, and people with immunodeficiency are at increased risk of developing severe infections. Symptoms of severe RSV infection include severe coughing, wheezing, rapid breathing, dyspnea, and bluish skin.
According to the CDC, babies under 6 months may have symptoms such as hypersensitivity, poor eating, and lethargy, while babies older than 6 months may have rhinorrhea and appetite a few days before the onset of cough. It may cause a slump.
“Severe RSV in older babies and toddlers, as it is likely that they have not been exposed to normal levels of RSV for the past 15 months due to reduced RSV circulation during the winter of 2020-2021. The risk of related diseases may be increased. “CDC said.
“Powerful” virus
Symptoms of RSV COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection).. The CDC urges clinicians to consider testing for RSV or other respiratory pathogens if the patient has these symptoms but is negative for COVID-19.
Authorities also advised health care workers, including childcare workers and people working in long-term care facilities, not to commute in case of illness, even if COVID-19 is negative.
“We need to remember that the virus is very powerful,” said Dr. Valerie Scott, MD, a primary care physician at Low Percent Francis, MD, South Carolina. Said, CBS affiliate WCSC TV reported. “We noticed that COVID kneeled us, but there are others who have influenced us for years.”
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