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Two Powassan Viruses Detected in Connecticut: POWV Symptoms and How to Prevent Tick-borne Viruses


Two cases of powassan virus or POWV were identified earlier today by the Department of Health after Connecticut residents tested positive for the disease.

according to patch According to reports, the state public health service said these were the first cases of this deadly tick-borne disease reported in Connecticut this year.

Between 2016 and 2020, 10 cases of POWV-related illness were reported in the state. This includes two outbreaks last year. Two of these infections were fatal.

Patients between the ages of 50 and 79 became ill in the third week of April, according to a DPH news release.

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Science Times-Powassan virus detected in Connecticut: State Department of Health confirms two cases of tick-borne virus

(Photo: Wikimedia Commons NIAID)
Deer ticks, also known as black-footed ticks, can infect pathogens that cause tick-borne diseases such as babesiosis, Lyme disease, and powassan virus.

Presence of antibodies against POWV

Lab test conducted at Fort’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Collins, CO confirmed the presence of antibodies against POWV.

Both patients were hospitalized for central nervous system disease, discharged, and are currently recovering. They live in Fairfield and New Haven counties.

Powassan virus spreads to humans by being bitten by infected mites or black-footed or “deer” mites. Basically, it takes 7 to 30 days for the virus to show symptoms after being bitten by an infected tick, and it can be transmitted only 15 minutes after the tick first attaches.

POWV-related diseases have been reported from early spring to late autumn. According to DPH Deputy Commissioner Deidra Giftord, the identification of two Powassan virus-related diseases in Connecticut requires action to prevent tick bites while ticks are most active “from now to late fall.” Is emphasized.

Symptoms of POWV

Most people infected with the virus may be asymptomatic or have a mild flu-like illness, but may develop a severe infection that affects the central nervous system. There is.

A similar MSN news About 1 in 10 cases of severe infection is reportedly fatal, and about half of the survivors experience long-term health.

Severe cases begin with vomiting, fever, headache, or weakness, which can quickly become confusing, loss of coordination, seizures, or difficulty speaking.

There are no vaccines or special treatments for powassan virus-related illnesses. Severe illnesses are usually treated with supportive care such as hospitalization, IV drip, respiratory support, and prevention of other illnesses.

How to avoid being bitten by ticks

To avoid being bitten by ticks DPH We have released guidelines. Some of these recommendations include avoiding areas that are likely to look like mite bushy, wooden, or grassy areas. Basically, mites are active from spring to autumn. They may also be active on warm winter days.

DPH is CDC-Contains DEET, Lemon Oil, Picaridin, Eucalyptus, 2-Undecanone, or IR3535 and is recommended to be used outdoors according to the following instructions.

For families, both adults and children should check for ticks as soon as they come indoors. Taking a shower within two hours of coming indoors can also help reduce the risk of tick-borne disease.

After entering the room, you should carefully examine your clothing, gear and pets. Tumble dry clothing for at least 10 minutes to kill mites that may have been brought indoors. If you have a pet, it’s best to talk to your veterinarian about the best tick prevention products for your dog.

Finally, DPH recommends that you consider treating items such as clothing, boots, camping and hiking equipment with products that contain 0.5% permethrin.

A similar report is shown in the Ambitious Slacker YouTube video below.

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Check out more news and information about Tick Science Times.


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