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Children should not be vaccinated yet, the minister should be told


Immunizing children keeps the school open and uninterrupted education (Photo: PA / Getty Images)

Vaccine deployment should not yet be expanded to under the age of 18, experts will tell the government this week.

Discussions on children’s ethics regarding vaccination are ongoing, but it is understood that a “provisional” statement from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI) still advises not to do so. ..

A Whitehall source told The Telegraph:

“Scientists want to see more data from the United States and elsewhere before taking a firm position anyway.

“At this point, no one intends to make a final decision. JCVI wants to weigh the risks and benefits before vaccination of children and needs more data.

All available vaccines have been approved as safe by regulators, including: Pfizer jab for children ages 12-15However, there are not many studies on how vaccines affect children.

Sufficiently outweighs the risk of rare side effects such as blood clots, given that the coronavirus does not pose a dangerous threat to children who are unlikely to get sick or to experience serious illness. Many believe that there are no benefits.

Children are less likely to be infected with the coronavirus and even less likely to become severely ill (Photo: Getty Images).
Vaccination of children helps reduce community transmission of the disease (Photo: Getty Images)

But When jabing a child The focus is on keeping schools open rather than protecting them from viruses, except in situations where certain young people are vulnerable.

Vaccination of children also helps control infections in the community, reducing the chances of more vulnerable people getting sick and developing new variants.

Chris Whitti, Chief Medical Officer of England, said at a press conference on Downing Street on Monday:

“The first is the group that is actually at high risk for Covid. I think JCVI will give you some advice on which group you think is particularly risky.

“In particular, these children need to be vaccinated to reduce their risk of developing serious illness and, in very few cases, to reduce mortality.

“Can Covid’s multiple disruptions have a very negative impact on their life opportunities, including their impact on the long-term risk of physical and mental health problems?”

Whitty: Children can be vaccinated to avoid educational disruption

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He continued:’We are much lower than adults in terms of physical illness to children, except for some children who have serious existing problems with physical health. I know

“So you wouldn’t want to get vaccinated unless the vaccine is very safe.

“Vaccines are currently approved in several countries and we are accumulating safety data on the safety of these vaccines in children.”

But now, despite reports that the government has already purchased enough Pfizer doses to make injections over the age of 12, JCVI is expected to instruct ministers to postpone it later this week. I am.

One of the reasons Boris Johnson postponed “Freedom Day” from June 21st to July 19th is to give the NHS time to vaccinate more people.

Young people have a lower risk of hospitalization and death, but are often the group with the highest infection rates because they are the most mixed.

Even if those cases are not usually high risk, it is desirable to reduce the cases and prevent the variants from mutating.

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