A healthy, healthy man, 25, swelled from 11 to 20 stones in just four weeks after suffering from a rare disease.
In just four weeks after receiving high doses of steroids to treat rare kidney disease, men swelled from 11 to 20 stones.
Crew Sam Olilla, CheshireSuffering from a rare illness known as crescent-shaped IgA nephropathy, he was partially blind after his kidneys failed.
A 25-year-old woman, who is usually healthy and healthy, has blurred vision and dangerous high blood pressure.
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The high doses of steroids needed to recover him from danger put him heavy in just four weeks, making it difficult to walk and breathe.
Sam decided to do something to help others suffering from similar illnesses and walked 8,500 steps daily for a month to raise money for life-saving research.
Since then, he has raised over £ 1,200 for Kidney Research UK.
“Steroid treatment exploded 50 liters of water in 4 weeks. I went to 20 with 11 stones, my foot burst in pain. I was huge and blasted very quickly. I was suffering from it, “he said.
He said he was so poor that his friends and family were afraid he would die.
“My body was full of toxins and I started having seizures,” Sam said.
“I had never heard of my condition before and knew nothing about what my kidneys were doing or how sick I would be if my kidneys went wrong.
“We don’t have kidney disease in our family, so it’s hard to hold and move your head.”
Sam’s eyesight began to deteriorate in June last year, and despite two trips to A & E, medical professionals thought he was suffering from migraines.
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They believed that during a pandemic, the stress of becoming redundant from his job as a service senior at a financial company could be the cause.
However, within a week of his second A & E trip, he had a seizure and his pain doubled.
The third time in A & E medical care, I discovered empty hypertension. “I was scared,” Sam said.
“I had a terrible feeling. Blood pressure ruptured a blood vessel in my right eye and I am now half-blind. Fortunately, my left eye has recovered.”
The kidney team performed a biopsy, where Sam spent the next two weeks in the hospital, where he received news that he had crescent-shaped IgA nephropathy (a rare autoimmune disease).
This happens when an antibody called immunoglobulin A (IgA) stays in the kidneys, causing inflammation and impairing the kidneys’ ability to filter toxic waste products.
An emergency neckline was inserted to drain water, return to a healthy weight, and administer chemotherapeutic drugs to reduce dangerous inflammation. Chemotherapy was discontinued after some injections were not effective enough.
Sam has been hospitalized for a month and is currently on dialysis three times a week for four hours in his local kidney ward.
“I know people can get dialysis at home as an option, but I didn’t want it because it wanted to stay in another part of my life. I don’t want to take it over, I don’t want to wake up and look at the dialysis machine. “
Meanwhile, Sam is waiting for a transplant, hoping that his mother, Tracy, or his father, David, will match.
“I eat carefully with a kidney-friendly diet and feel more calm about the idea that I have kidney disease. There are good days and bad days.”
Since then, I came home with peace of mind with my mother, a nurse, so last year was a big change.
“In less than 12 months, I lived a healthy life, met friends, worked more than 40 hours a week, did not work and got sick at home. I am still tired, but with transplantation I feel hope for progress.
“My friends and family were great and it really helped me. Participating in the fundraising activity was really positive as it gave me the much-needed focus.
“Research is very important to make people’s lives better. If dialysis is easier, less time consuming and less impactful on people’s lives, I love it.”
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