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Vaccine hesitation related to lack of knowledge

Vaccine hesitation related to lack of knowledge


Studies suggest that people who are unlikely to follow news reports about Covid-19 are more likely to hesitate to get the vaccine.

The Institute for Economic and Social Research (ESRI) Behavioral Research Unit has found a link between resistance to vaccination and lack of knowledge and awareness of the benefits of vaccines.

A Ministry of Health-sponsored study conducted a knowledge test and attitude survey in January 2021 among a nationally representative size sample of the Irish population.

We found that the fewer people who follow news coverage about Covid-19, the less likely they are to want to be vaccinated.

Dr. Deirdre Robertson, Principal Researcher for the study, said: “These results suggest that some people who are uncertain about the Covid-19 vaccine may not be fully aware of it.

“The results suggest that this knowledge gap can be bridged by providing factual information about how the vaccine was developed and tested and the actual effectiveness of the vaccine in disease prevention. I will. “

A series designed to help participants in the study find out what they think about the vaccine, how much they know about the vaccine, what they see as the greatest risks and benefits, and whether they plan to get the vaccine. Completed the task.

The multiple-choice quiz asked what they knew about the effectiveness of jabs, the development process, possible side effects, and costs.

The minority of participants who were planning or uncertain not to be vaccinated had significantly lower quiz scores than the majority who were planning to be vaccinated.

The average score for those planning to get the vaccine was 67%, but 50% were uncertain and 37% were not planning to get the vaccine.

Participants were also asked to list their thoughts on the risks and benefits of the vaccine.

Most people listed at least one risk, but there was a big difference in the list of profits.

Only 5% of those planning not to get the vaccine and about 50% of those who were uncertain did not make any profit.

The story of the latest coronavirus

This is compared to 91% of people planning to take it.

Professor Pete Lan, head of the Action Research Unit, said: “Since we collected this data, the number of people who want to be vaccinated has steadily increased, which probably reflects the increased knowledge and awareness that vaccines bring.

“But this study shows that a few people don’t follow the news about Covid-19 and it may take longer to understand how effective and safe the vaccine is.”

The working paper, “Lack of Perceived Benefits and Knowledge Gap,” announces today that it distinguishes between accepting and hesitating vaccines during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Meanwhile, the Irish Pharmacy Union Secretary-General found that vaccination advance reservations were very strong at some pharmacies, while inquiries from people under the age of 50 who were anxious to receive jabs were increasing. It states that it did.

Darragh O’Loughlin talked about RTE’s Morning Ireland and said that up to 800 pharmacies receive Johnson & Johnson’s one-shot vaccine delivery.

It is given to people over the age of 50 who have not yet received the jab.

He said it is unlikely that a pharmacist could bring it in, as people need to make an appointment, each vial contains 5 doses, and must be used within 3 hours of opening.

O’Loughlin brings vaccines to a small community so that pharmacists who provide vaccines from the center of Dublin to small towns and villages across the country are fairly widespread and people can get the vaccine without traveling. Said.

O’Loughlin said the vaccine is stored in a pharmaceutical grade refrigerator, so storage is okay.

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