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The philanthropist makes a “decisive difference” in the coronavirus crisis


President Arisgast wrote to the Financial Times that charitable donations are accelerating the scientific battle against COVID-19.

Charity gifts unleash multiple, and sometimes radical, approaches in competing to understand the coronavirus. She insists on paper.

Crisis requires flexibility and lateral thinking. A philanthropist will provide it every day in the lab when it matters, “she says.

like that The gift helped Professor Robin Shattock In developing a vaccine, Professor Chattock said: Fortunately, donors stepped up before closing the funding gap UK Government donated another £ 22.5m I got the vaccine last month through a Phase II trial. “

Support for charities of over £ 4 million This will help you to do this. “Today, this significant government investment can still make a decisive difference for philanthropists. If Prof. Shattock’s team could conduct parallel trials abroad, they could get faster results and regulatory authorities. With rapid approval from you, you can expand your manufacturing globally. “

Hundreds of supporters Imperial’s COVID-19 Response Fund “To enable Fast and rolling distribution of grants to promising researchincluding Low cost open source ventilator When Laboratory-free coronavirus testing The result will be obtained in about 1 hour. “

Community Jamir: Global Impact

Professor Gust stressed his contribution to global charity Community jamir Established J-IDEA, Abdullatif Jameel Institute, Emergency Analysis Professor Neil Ferguson, One of the most influential epidemiologists in the world.

Written by Professor Gust: “A few months ago, the night before us Sale of Jameel Institute for Emergency and Disease Analytics (J-IDEA) At the Imperial School of Public Health, the leader of another academic group backed by Community Jamir in Community Massachusetts, J-PAL, Jameel Poverty Action Lab, MIT — Announced as a recipient of the Nobel Prize in Economics. It was appropriate to properly recognize the impact that J-PAL has already had on poverty reduction for millions of people around the world. It also Mohammed Jameel, A philanthropist who supports academic projects that could not otherwise be successful. “

You can read the full opinion part Today’s financial times.

/ Public release. View full text here.


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