Experts say US vaccination is needed to avoid more variants
![Experts say US vaccination is needed to avoid more variants Experts say US vaccination is needed to avoid more variants](;0,0&resize=1200:*)
Video above: Are we officially out of the forest with COVID-19? Massachusetts doctors are more likely to reach the goal of 70% of adults who are partially vaccinated in the United States by July 4, and will meet the goal set by President Joe Biden. “Vaccines are the only way out,” Dr. Paul Offit told CNN. “Unless you vaccinate a significant proportion of the population before winter comes, you will see more spread and creation of more variants, which only makes this job more difficult.” COVID- The number of 19 cases and infections has decreased, Ofit said. But with hundreds of people dead and at least 10,000 infected most days, he said it was still too high to prevent the summer calm from turning into a winter surge. Numerous and potentially more contagious and dangerous variants. Already in the United States, there has been a surge in highly contagious alpha and delta variants, but the epidemic of gamma variants is widespread in some states. The virus is not easily spread within the community, but experts estimate that 70-90% of the population needs to be vaccinated. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only 53% of the population is vaccinated at least once. And only 65% ​​of adults are vaccinated at least once. Knowing that vaccines are the only way in our pandemic, the hardest part would have been to figure out how to build these vaccines, “said a key member of the FDA Vaccine Advisory Board. Ofit said. “The hardest part is to convince people to get it. It’s worth noting.” Experts say they need to convince people to get vaccinated. I will. This week, the CDC raised the Delta variant to a variant of concern. “With a combination of more contagious and more serious illnesses, the CDC has promoted it to a mutant strain of concern,” Forch said. When asked how concerned he was about the mutant, Forch said: Vaccinated people. The good news about all of this is that the vaccine works very well in the seriousness of the situation regarding mutant strains. “Vaccinated people are protected” This is another very good reason: If you are not vaccinated, you are at risk of getting the virus and now spread more rapidly and have more serious illnesses. We strongly recommend that people be vaccinated because it can cause it, “said the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Authorities are calling on people who are still hesitant to get the vaccine to hesitate to get the vaccine and delay its spread. Let the virus continue to spread, hurt ourselves and others, and continue to create variants that become more contagious and more difficult to contain, “Ofit said. What the vaccine provides seems to be very powerful, Mr. Ofit said. “The so-called cell-mediated immune response evoked by these vaccines seems to be excellent,” he said. However, the vaccines are so new that experts can only rely on 6 months of data. Scientists are still uncertain how long the protection will last. Their durability determines whether the population needs boosters, Forch said. It is effective. We are currently discussing a very high protection period, “said Forch, Biden’s chief medical adviser. The NIH is monitoring for an increase in rare breakthrough infections (defined as infections in vaccinated people), but scientists want to be aware of the problem before it becomes a problem. I’m out. NIH is currently conducting clinical trials of the COVID-19 vaccine with boosters against the original strain and boosters targeting mutants. Experts should monitor COVID-19 infections to determine how long the general public can do without vaccination. “It could be a year, 18 months, or even longer,” Forch said. “We need to follow that and act according to the information we have.”
Video above: Are we officially out of the forest with COVID-19?Massachusetts Doctor Responds
Odds for the United States to reach the goal set by President Joe Biden for 70% of partially vaccinated adults by July 4 are accumulating, and vaccine experts say that the COVID-19 variant He said he was running out of time ahead of potential proliferation.
“Vaccines are the only way out,” Dr. Paul Offit told CNN. “Unless you vaccinate a significant proportion of the population before winter comes, you will see more spread and creation of more varieties, which will only make this job more difficult.”
According to Ofit, the number of COVID-19 cases and infections is declining. But with hundreds of people dying and at least 10,000 infected most days, he said, the rate is still too high to prevent the summer decline from turning into a winter surge.
Experts warn that the continued spread of the virus can lead to more and potentially more contagious and dangerous ones. variant..
Already in the United States, there is a surge in highly infectious alpha and delta variants, but the spread of gamma variants is widespread in some states.
Experts estimate that 70-90% of the population needs to be vaccinated to achieve herd immunity, or the point at which the virus does not spread easily within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Only 53% of the population has been vaccinated at least once.
And only 65% ​​of adults receive at least one dose.
“If you knew that vaccines were the only way to pandemic, you would have thought at the beginning of this,” said Ofit, a key member of the FDA Vaccine Advisory Board. The hardest part is that of these vaccines. It was to understand how to make it. ” .. “The hardest part is to convince people to get it. This is noteworthy.”
Variants should encourage people to be vaccinated, experts say
Dr. Anthony Fauci told NPR that the spread of variants shouldn’t be a problem for vaccinated people, but it should motivate them to get vaccinated.
This week, the CDC raised the Delta variant to a variant of concern. “The combination of more contagious and more serious illnesses has properly prompted the CDC to raise it to a variant of concern,” Forch said.
When asked how concerned Fauci was about this variant, he said, “I’m not worried about those who are vaccinated. The good news about all this is the seriousness of the situation with the variant. Inside, the vaccine works very well. “
Vaccinated people are protected. “If you are not vaccinated, you are at risk of getting the virus, and the virus spreads rapidly and becomes a more serious illness, which is another very good reason to strongly recommend vaccination.” National Allergic Infections The director of the institute said.
Experts and officials are seeking help from people who are still hesitant to get the vaccine to delay it.
“A significant proportion of this population chooses not to be vaccinated, the virus continues to spread, continue to hurt itself and others, and continue to make mutants that become more contagious and more difficult. What would we do if we chose to contain it? “
Vaccine protection can last for a year or more
Fortunately, the protection provided by the vaccine seems to be very strong, Ofit said.
“Immune weakness may occur to protect against mild or asymptomatic infections, or moderately low illnesses, but protection against serious illnesses will probably last relatively long. That is, It’s been a few years, “he said. “The so-called cell-mediated immune response evoked by these vaccines seems to be excellent.”
However, the vaccine is so new that experts can only rely on six months’ worth of data. And scientists still can’t say for sure how long the protection will last.
Their durability will determine whether the population needs boosters, Forch said.
“I would like to emphasize that durability does not mean that the vaccine is currently ineffective. We are talking about the length of protection that is currently known to be very high,” Biden’s Forch said. Chief Medical Advisor.
NIH is monitoring if rares are increasing Breakthrough infectious disease — Defined as an infectious disease in vaccinated people — but scientists want to be aware of the problem before it becomes a problem. NIH is currently conducting clinical trials of the COVID-19 vaccine using boosters against the original strain and boosters targeting mutants.
Experts need to monitor COVID-19 infections to determine how long the general public can do without increasing vaccination, Forch said.
“It could be a year, it could be 18 months, it could be longer. We would have to obey it, and we would act according to the information we got,” he said.
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