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Malaria mosquitoes are most likely to be transmitted in the evening: a study


Key Point

  • Malaria mosquitoes changed their chewing time to avoid contact with treated mosquito nets
  • Researchers investigate whether stinging time affects mosquito’s ability to transfer
  • Results show that mosquitoes are most likely to get infected in the evening
  • Temperature during the time can affect mosquitoes

Malaria mosquitoes alter their feeding behavior in response to insecticide-treated mosquito nets. In a new study, the researchers found the times when the malaria mosquito was most likely to transmit the parasite.

Malaria is a disease caused by Plasmodium falciparum parasites transmitted by certain types of mosquitoes that eat humans. In recent years Global burden of malaria It was reduced by the use of insecticide-treated mosquito nets. However, there are reports that it seems to change the behavior of mosquitoes to prevent mosquitoes from touching the net.

From mosquito I mainly bite people at 9 pm. At 5am, sleeping well under a treated net, insects now bite early in the evening, when people fall off the net late in the morning.

With this in mind, a team of international researchers will carry out a series of experiments to determine if the timing of bites and the environmental temperature will affect the mosquito’s’vector capacity ‘or the malaria parasite and affect infectivity. Did.

For this research, the researchers investigated Anopheles anopheles and Anopheles. In one experiment, it was found that biting time did not affect the mosquito’s ability to carry when the temperature was maintained at 80 degrees Fahrenheit. However, in another experiment, time and temperature showed differences in mosquito vector capacity when maintained at varying temperatures that reflected a more realistic environment.

Specifically, among the anopheles, 88% of evening bitters (6 pm), 65% of midnight bitters (12:00 am), and 13% of morning bitter folks (6 am) are positive. was. For Anopheles mosquitoes, 55% of evening biters, 26% of midnight bitters, and 0.8% of morning biters were positive for parasites.

Simply put, mosquitoes are most likely to be infected and transmitted by malaria in the evening, followed by midnight and the morning.

Malaria mosquito According to the World Health Organization, more than 3 billion people are globally at risk of malaria. Photo: Wikipedia Commons

According to researchers, this may be due to the heat sensitivity of the parasite during its early development in mosquitoes. Specifically, mosquitoes feeding in the evening experience low temperatures and mosquitoes feeding in the morning experience higher temperatures that prevent parasite colonization.

“The warmer temperatures can hinder parasite colonization, so the longer a mosquito is exposed to warm daytime temperatures, the more likely it is that the mosquito will become infected,” said Pennsylvania State University. Researched by Eunho Suh, first author of The above. “The mosquitoes that eat in the morning only have 4 hours before the temperature becomes too high for the parasite to transmit, whereas the mosquitoes that eat in the evening have a cool temperature of 16 hours.”

This change in mosquito biting behavior can reduce the effectiveness of treated mosquito nets and have significant public health implications, according to study co-author Masut Thomas.

“There is great concern that changing mosquito feeding patterns could reduce the effectiveness of our most important tool, the mosquito net, in the fight against malaria,” Thomas said. “The next important step is to extend the work to field systems and evaluate the robustness of real-world findings.”

of Investigation It was published in Nature Ecology and Evolution.


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