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Delta Variant Causes Huge COVID Spike in UK


June 17, 2021-Number of people infected Coronavirus According to a new study, it is increasing rapidly in the United Kingdom, with most infections occurring in unvaccinated children and young adults.

The results of an ongoing study show that an estimated 0.15% of people had the virus, or 1 in 670.

The data is based on 108,911 self-managed PCR tests collected from May 20th to June 7th, 2021.

A research team led by researchers at Imperial College London said the national prevalence of the virus has increased to 0.10%, or 1 in 1,000, since the last survey from late April to May 3. I reported.

Rise of Delta

In this study, we found that the alpha (B.1.1.7) variant of the virus was rapidly replaced by the delta (B.1.617.2) variant. The authors state that infection from the first confirmed Delta variant in India doubles every 11 days in the United Kingdom.

“These data are consistent with the predominance of delta mutants, demonstrating the importance of continuing to monitor infection rates and mutants of concern in the community,” said the research program professor. Paul Elliott, also director, said.

An unpeer-reviewed preprint study suggested that the link between infection, hospitalization, and death has weakened since February due to national vaccination efforts. However, since late April, the tendency to be hospitalized has reversed.

The highest prevalence was among young people aged 18 to 24, followed by children aged 5 to 12.

According to scientists, the prevalence of people under the age of 50 was 2.5 times higher than that of people over the age of 50, but infection appeared to increase at the same rate in both groups.

“The highest infection rates are seen in young people who are less susceptible to COVID-19, but continued growth will promote infection in older and more vulnerable people. vaccine Steven Riley, a professor of infectious disease dynamics at Imperial College London, said:

“This leads to more hospitalizations and deaths and risks burden. [Natnoial Health Service], That’s why people are their vaccine I offer and continue to follow the rules, “he added.

Regional variation

The latest data also show significant regional differences across England. The highest prevalence was in the northwest. On the other hand, the southwestern part was the lowest.

Rosalind Franklin Institute and James Naismith, a professor and director at Oxford University, commented on a study at the Science Media Center, predicting that summer would “help slow down that growth, but double the cycle.” “

With the exception of the Delta variant, “we could have ended the limit with little risk, as originally planned,” he said.

“You need to understand it without it vaccine, The Delta variant would have been a disaster for Britain, “he added.

“The results of these findings highlight the difficult situation in which we made the difficult decision to delay Step 4 of the roadmap from the blockade,” said Matt Hancock, UK Secretary of Health and Welfare.

Medscape Medical News

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