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Every little thing, from black to green – Whidbey Daily News


New Delhi. So far, India has faced three types of fungal infections, including treatment of patients suffering from black mold, mildew and yellow mold. However, after a new type of fungal infection was discovered in a 34-year-old Kovid-19 healer in Indore, Madhya Pradesh this week, the country is now facing new challenges for green fungi.

Victims were taken to Mumbai by ambulance for treatment, senior doctors said. The man was diagnosed with a deadly black fungus, but his sinuses, lungs, and blood were infected with a green fungus (aspergillosis).

Black bacterium, zygomycosis, was declared epidemic in India under the Epidemic Disease Act. However, this was followed by reports of white bacteria in Patna, which later revealed a case of yellow bacteria in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. According to experts, white bacteria are more dangerous than black bacteria because they affect the lungs and other parts of the body rapidly.

Difference between MUCORMY CETES and ASPERGILLUS

Black, white, and yellow fungi are caused by mucous cells that are already present in the environment. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “They are present in the entire environment, especially in the soil, and decompose organic matter such as leaves, compost, throat, and animal dung. They are more in the soil than in the air. It is common. ”It is common in summer and autumn. “”

At the same time, the green fungus is caused by the mold Aspergillus, which is common both indoors and outdoors. It is usually found in the environment and can originate from rotten leaves, fertilizers, plants, trees and grains.

The CDC says that routine exposure of both Mucorea and Aspergillus to fungi does no harm to most people, but can attack people with a weakened immune system and cause serious infections. I am.

Learn about these four fungal infections:

Green fungus

It is an infection caused by Aspergillus, a common type of fungus found indoors and outdoors. The medical name for this disease is aspergillosis. According to the CDC, some of the green fungal attacks that cause allergies do not cause infection, while others affect the lungs.

Invasive aspergillosis, in which the green fungus causes a serious infection, usually affects the lungs, but it also spreads to other parts of the body. Next is aspergillosis of the skin. In this aspergillosis, green fungi enter the body through skin injuries and pores. Another example is spreading from other parts of the body from the skin, such as the lungs, to other parts of the body.

Which is at risk

Daily exposure to Aspergillus was not always a problem, but it can still lead to serious infections. Various infections caused by the green fungus are commonly found to affect people with cystic fibrosis or lung diseases such as asthma and tuberculosis. People with a weakened immune system, such as those receiving organ transplants or cancer chemotherapy, or taking high doses of corticosteroids (such as some coronary artery patients) are also invasive. There is a risk of aspergillosis. However, aspergillosis does not spread through the lungs to humans or between humans and animals.

Green fungus symptoms

Different types of infections that can cause green fungi can have different symptoms. For example, when a green fungus causes an allergic reaction in the lungs (allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis or ABPA), it causes asthma-like symptoms such as nausea, shortness of breath, cough, and rarely fever. When allergies attack the sinuses, they can cause common symptoms such as stuffy nose, headaches, coronas, and poor sense of smell.

Chronic pulmonary aspergillosis, which affects the lungs, can cause weight loss, coughing, hemoptysis, malaise, and shortness of breath. Symptoms of aspergillosis include fever, chest pain, cough, hemoptysis, and shortness of breath.

Black fungus

Mucor’s disease or black fungus affects the patient’s face, nose, eyes, and brain and can lead to vision loss. This type of fungus also spreads to the lungs. According to Randeep Guleria, director of the All India Institute of Medical Science (AIMS), black fungi are primarily caused by steroid misuse.

Which is at risk

People with diabetes, coronary heart disease, and people taking steroids for several days have been found to be at increased risk of developing black fungi. Long-term stays in the ICU are said to increase the risk of black mold.

Symptomatology of black fungus

In recent weeks, it has been reported that most people who recover from covid develop a black fungus. Common symptoms of the initial examination include discoloration of the nose, blurred vision, pain on one side of the face, toothache, chest pain, and shortness of breath. In some cases, it may even turn out that the infected patient’s blood has spilled. If not treated in time, it can also be fatal.

White fungus

In recent cases, white fungi have been found to be more dangerous than black fungi. Doctors also warn that the fungus can die if not taken care of in a timely manner. It adversely affects the lungs and damages the brain, respiratory system and digestive system.

Which is at risk

The fungus mainly attacks people with low immunity. In addition, an unpleasant place filled with fungi makes an ideal environment for everyone to get this infection. This fungal infection is not contagious, but is inhaled by people around people with low immunity. Patients with diabetes and cancer and those who have been on steroids for a long time are at increased risk.

Symptomatology of white fungus

Some of the early symptoms of the fungus are very similar to those of the coronavirus. Patients may have chest pain, cough, shortness of breath, headache, body pain, infection, or swelling in certain parts of the body.

Yellow fungus

According to experts, the yellow fungus is the most dangerous of the three types of fungi found so far. It usually affects reptiles, and now its first case is in Ghaziabad. Little is known about infections, but it is important to know that this type of infection is caused by an unhealthy condition.

Which is at risk

People who are uncomfortable with a weak environment, such as dirt around them, are infected with the yellow fungus. In addition, it can be caused by contaminated food, excessive use of steroids, use of antibacterial agents, and inadequate oxygenation. It is advisable to keep the surroundings clean and moist and remove old food and feces as soon as possible to prevent the growth of bacteria and mold.

Symptomatology of yellow fungus

The yellow fungus begins inside. Early symptoms include pus filling, delayed wound healing, lethargy, loss of appetite, weight loss, and sunken eyes. In severe cases, it may show dangerous symptoms such as organ failure. Experts recommend that you consult your doctor as soon as you see an infection or other early symptoms on your body.

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