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The number of deaths in the world exceeds 251,000


This is the CNBC live blog, Coronavirus outbreak. This blog is updated all day as news is updated.

  • World case: over 3.5 million
  • World death toll: over 251,000
  • Most reported cases: USA (more than 1.18 million), Spain (more than 218,000), Italy (more than 211,900), United Kingdom (more than 191,800), France (more than 169,500).

The above data was compiled by Johns Hopkins University as of 12:32 pm. Beijing time.

All times below are Beijing time.

2:12 pm: Indonesia’s economy has grown in the weakest sectors since 2001

Indonesia’s economy grew 2.97% year-on-year in the first quarter. The weakest growth rate since the first three months of 2001 was reported by Reuters, citing data from the National Bureau of Statistics.

According to the report, analyst Reuters poll had a central forecast of growth of 4.04%. Coronavirus epidemics hit various segments of the Indonesian economy, including consumption, investment, tourism and merchandise exports, according to the report.

A man passes by a mural depicting the COVID-19 Coronavirus in Bangkalan, East Java, April 6, 2020.

Juni Kriswanto | AFP | Getty Images

But one of the reasons is that Asia’s senior economist at Capital Economics, Gareth Razor, said that Southeast Asia’s largest economy was stronger than many others in the first quarter. .

“Most of the blockades in Asia happened in late March, not until April in Indonesia,” he wrote. “Of course, this means the economy will be hit hard in the second quarter.”

Indonesia did not report First case of coronavirus disease until March — Development that surprised many, given the widespread aviation relationship between the country where the virus first appeared and Wuhan. As of Monday, the country reported 11,587 cases and 864 deaths. — Yen Nee Lee

12:24 pm: Hong Kong shares shake off first quarter sharp contraction

Hong Kong Main Hansen index 0.54% increase on next Tuesday Clarified city Hong Kong shrank 8.9% year-on-year, the largest record decline since 1974. Hong Kong faces economic challenges posed by both the outbreak of coronavirus and widespread protest.

The virus has infected more than 1,000 people in Hong Kong and killed four people. Sahel Roy Choudrey

12:10 pm: Millions of Italians return to work this week

According to the Associated Press, millions of people in Italy were allowed to return to work since Monday, taking the first steps to unlock the lockdown.

Construction and manufacturing have resumed, but retail has yet to wait a few days. Bars and restaurants have reopened for take-out services, allowing people to visit a few relatives. More than 211,900 infections have been reported in Italy, with more than 29,000 deaths.

Italy is not the only one starting to relax restrictions European countries do the same. — Saheli Roy Choudhury, Silvia Amaro

11:02 am: 5 tips to consider if you are currently planning a career change

Changing jobs in the midst of a global pandemic can be a bold move.

Harmini Ivala, a professor at London Business School and the author of “Act Like a Leader and Think Like a Leader” An overview of five considerations For those who think about career moves, including reconnecting with old contacts. — Karen Gilchrist

10:49 am: Germany reports 685 new cases and 139 additional deaths

Germany reported 685 new cases and 139 more deaths, according to the latest figures from the Robert Koch Institute, a federal agency responsible for disease management and prevention.

In total, there were 163,860 confirmed cases and 6,831 deaths. However, New research claims The actual number of cases has increased more than 10 times, equivalent to 1.8 million infections. — Sahel Roy Choudrey

9:53 am: Apple will reopen store in Australia this week

Apple confirmed Thursday that it would reopen the store in Australia. The store is open from 10am to 5pm. Local time and service at the Genius Bar — Apple’s Technical Support Station — is prioritized. Reservations can be made online from Tuesday.

Due to social distance measures, Apple may limit the number of people in the store at one time, which may delay on-site visitors. Temperature screening is also done before entry. The Sydney store will remain closed due to upgrades.

In a statement, an Apple spokeswoman said, “We are pleased to welcome visitors to our stores in Australia later this week. We look forward to missing you and providing support.” — Sahel Roy Choudrey

9:05 am: Containment efforts cost the Australian economy $ 2.6 billion a week

Australia’s efforts to contain the coronavirus are expected to cost the economy $ 4 billion ($ 2.6 billion) per week, according to an excerpt from a prepared statement by Treasury Secretary Josh Fridenberg. Report from Reuters. Friedenberg will speak at the National Press Club in Australia later Tuesday.

Like many other countries, Australia implements travel restrictions and distance measures to limit the spread of coronaviruses. However, these protocols have slowed economic activity.

As of Monday, Australia reported 6,825 confirmed cases and 95 deaths from Covid-19. — Christine One

8:46 am: Authorities weigh potential human casualties in reopened economy

7:52 am: 1 newly confirmed case, 15 asymptomatic cases reported from China

China’s National Health Commission said there was one newly confirmed outbreak, which was caused by travelers from abroad. No new deaths have been reported, but there were 15 asymptomatic cases.

Cumulatively, China reports 82,881 confirmed cases and 4,633 deaths.

Travelers will walk to the exit of Han River Station in Wuhan, Hubei Province, Central China on Wednesday, April 8, 2020. After the city blockade by Covid-19 lasted for 76 days.

Barcroft Media | Getty Images

7:48 am: more than 251,000 people die worldwide

According to data from Johns Hopkins University, Covid-19, a disease caused by the coronavirus, has killed more than 251,000 people worldwide.

The virus was first reported in China’s Hubei province at the end of last year, and has since spread rapidly worldwide, affecting more than 3.5 million people.

It has the highest number of cases in the United States, affecting more than 1.17 million people and killing more than 68,000 people.

Countries such as Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom, France and Germany are also among the most affected countries. — Sahel Roy Choudrey

All times below are Eastern times.

7:02 pm: New projections show that Covid-19 killed approximately 135,000 Americans by August when lockdown measures were lifted

According to Reuters, the Institute for Health Statistics and Evaluation (IHME) estimates nearly 135,000 coronavirus deaths in the United States by the beginning of August, citing relaxation of lockdown orders as the main driver of the new numbers. ing.

IHME estimates that the US death toll is 134,475, which is between 95,092 and 242,890 in early August.

On May 3, 2020, face collection is mandatory at many facilities in Brooklyn, New York City, so people will receive protective masks and bandanas to be distributed at Prospect Park.

Spencer Pratt | Getty Images

According to Reuters, the new projections reflect ongoing reinstatement measures across the country and increased social contact between people who have spread the infection, IHME said.

Christopher Murray, director of IHME, said “this new model is the basis for a plain new estimate of US deaths,” according to Reuters. — Chris You Daily

5:12 pm: Economists say how recession depends on the level of consumer fear

Economists Looking for a new way to measure rebound From a severe recession, it is suggested that recovery depends on individual psychology, overall consumer confidence, and whether the government was successful enough to close the income gap of unemployed workers.

“It’s much more dynamic. It’s driven by fear, not just income,” said Grant Thornton’s chief economist, Diane Suwonk. Economists have focused on China as an example since the disease began in China. “One month after returning to Wuhan, people are still worried about going to public places and shopping malls.” — Patty Dom

Read CNBC coverage in the US overnight. Forecasts estimate that 135,000 people will die in the United States by August. FUJIFILM’s influenza drug trials expand


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