Pregnant women and their foets die in Brazil when COVID deaths exceed 500,000
Brazil could break the terrible record of 500,000 COVID-related deaths in the next two days. Only the United States is killing more people around the world.
Currently, an average of 2,500 people die each day. Brazilian P1 variant It has long been identified as a source of highly toxic concerns, urging travel bans to most countries.
However, researchers in São Paulo, one of the most devastated cities in the country, say the P1 variant has begun to infect and kill pregnant women and their foets in staggering numbers.
Currently, 42 pregnant women are weekly COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection)More women have been intubated, and premature babies give birth by caesarean section without consulting an obstetrician, according to medical researchers at the Brazilian Obstetrics Obstetrics Obstetrics Obstetrics Obstetrics.
Dr. Rossana Pulcineli Vieira Francisco of the Observatory said: “The virus is more contagious in this variant, and I think the big problem is that Brazil’s maternal health care system is very poor.
“In some states, patients begin treatment in a hospital, general hospital, and if their condition begins to worsen and they need to give birth to a baby, they are not in the right hospital and are transported intubated. Delivery. “
She believes this is part of the reason Brazil Maternal mortality rate is high.
She states that obstetricians and intensivists need to work together to find the right results for mothers and children. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to stop maternal death during COVID.
“I think this mutation will increase the number of cases, and we got this result because the maternal health system is very fragile.”
I asked her if it was the worst situation.
“Yes,” she replied, “and I think the only chance to stop this is vaccines.”
Data from a study of her and her colleagues reveal that 10 pregnant women died weekly from COVID-19 last year.
With the advent of new variants this year, the new numbers will be over 40 per week.
Poor medical care and facilities are responsible for the high mortality rate of pregnant women in Brazil, 55 per 100,000. In the UK, the number is only 9.7.
However, according to Dr. Francisco, according to previous studies, COVID-19 could double the number of new numbers to more than 100 per 100,000 by the end of the year.
High overall transmission of P1 mutants combined with overwhelming medical services (9 out of 10 cases of coronavirus in São Paulo) puts pregnant women at extreme risk.
Researchers have criticized the practice of intubating a pregnant woman and giving birth to the mother in a very stressful state, which is a “bad result” for both the mother and the child.
Doctors working in vast public hospitals prioritize the lives of their mothers over their children, and because no one has intubated, let alone pregnant women, they have no choice but to save their mothers and give birth.
In the poor region of southern São Paulo, Jardin Almeida Prado, Thai Ferreira de Romes overlooks a small three-month-old baby, Ezekiel, who has just been released from the hospital.
Ezekiel was born 12 weeks early after the Thais were intubated.
Like most people, they used to be healthy and healthy, but Thais and her family thought she wasn’t dangerous when the first symptoms of COVID appeared, but they were wrong. I did.
When her kidneys failed, doctors said she wouldn’t live to see her third child.
She is still hurt by near-death experiences-her uncle died of COVID when she first got sick.
“I’m glad I got home and met my family and knew that God gave me the opportunity to live again,” she told me in tears.
“I saw so many people dying, so many people like my uncle died on COVID. Many people died on COVID.”
Despite her worst experience, she fears the future of her and her children and is worried that Ezekiel may still be infected with the coronavirus.
“I’m scared because I’m still small today, but I’m giving birth prematurely. I told my mother-in-law that it’s hard to see him or not expect anything to happen.”
At Grajau Hospital, there are currently no cases of COVID in the maternity ward and its premature infant section where Ezekiel was taken care of, but doctors and nurses do not expect it to remain-others in the city. The hospital is still under treatment for COVID-19 infants and their sick mothers.
Dr. Patricia Serra, a gynecological medical coordinator and doctor who treated baby Ezekiel, said a nationwide P1 mutant infected a young pregnant woman like never before. There is no doubt that he is.
“In 2021, an increase in pregnant women affected by COVID was observed, probably due to a new strain.
“In 2020, there were very few pregnant women, mostly with COVID, in our hospital, but this year at least one pregnant woman is hospitalized with COVID every week,” she stood in the neonatal intensive care unit of the hospital. Explained to. unit.
She puts this into a high infection rate for P1 mutants.
“So, in reality, I think we saw an inflammatory process as the strain changed. [and] The virus-induced vasculitis is much larger and correct, and it eventually changed and brought it to pregnant women.
“”[Pregnant women] Due to the pregnancy itself and the evolution of pregnancy, lung compliance is already reduced. This is exacerbated by COVID infection.
“We have observed that this strain has infected pregnant women who do not have other pre-existing conditions, so they do not have high blood pressure and do not have diabetes during pregnancy. severity.”
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Jardin In the middle-class suburbs of America, Douglas Sylverio proudly presents his latest addition to his family, Maria Helena, three months old.
She has two older brothers, Pedro (5) and Bent (3), playing with toys and running around the house while her grandmother prepares lunch.
She is now living with her family because her daughter and her child’s mother, Vanessa, have died. Killed by COVID-19.
Vanessa was just 33 years old when the coronavirus struck.
Within five days she was exacerbated and intubated, and Maria Helena happened to give birth by caesarean section on her father’s birthday.
Vanessa never recovered.
“I told my sons,’Let’s say goodbye to her.’
“Five-year-old Pedro also cried and said,’Goodbye mom, you’re going to heaven.’
“The youngest couldn’t understand what happened, and it was crazy because we prayed a lot for the baby and a lot of prayers from the family, but I got my wife to this Not ready to fill. Process. “
The day Douglas held a mass for his wife’s death, baby Maria Helena was released from the hospital.
He wants everyone to be afraid of COVID and listen to warnings about the disease.
“I miss my wife, and she was my friend. We made a lot of plans together.
“I’m scared to see a pregnant woman without a mask on the street. Be careful.”
Brazil’s entire medical professionals are the only way to stop the country as a Petri dish to fight the virus and create COVID-19 mutants that continue to threaten the world, speeding up and reaching the country’s vaccination program I admit that it is. All members of society.
Currently, the development is very slow, and so far São Paulo has begun to include 56-year-old children.
Many professionals have directly accused the country’s president, Jair Bolsonaro, of the country’s unresponsiveness to the pandemic.
He still refuses to take the vaccine, constantly reducing the risk of coronavirus and discouraging the use of face masks everywhere.
Identification of the virus as a particular threat to young pregnant women warns that the COVID-19 mutant is attacking younger members of society that were previously thought to be relatively safe from serious illness. I did.
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