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Fishing wars in the EU: anger after dispatch of a French warship to a port in the United Kingdom following a dispute over fishing | United Kingdom | New


By United Nations convention, the United Kingdom has an area of ​​fishing water which extends up to 200 miles from its coast. However, under the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) launched in 1983, all EU countries have access to the waters of all the others. Currently, more than 60% of the fish caught in British waters are caught by overseas vessels.

Boris Johnson has promised to take back British waters for British fishermen, and even if it would boost the industry tremendously, it could mean a return to the endless arguments of the past.

For example, in the 1960s and 1970s, relations between the United Kingdom and France were tested by repeated illegal fishing in British waters by French vessels.

Between 1964 and 1972, 37 French fishing vessels were arrested and brought to British ports, 36 of which were charged and convicted of illegal fishing in British waters.

In 1972, the government of Edward Heath had just accepted that the United Kingdom joined the EEC, but the tensions on fishing had reached their boiling point.

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boris johnson france

Boris Johnson has the opportunity to recover British waters for the British fishing industry (Image: GETTY)

Edward Heath

Edward Heath was Prime Minister at the time (Image: GETTY)

Documents uncovered at the National Archives by reveal how a particular incident exploded.

All of this came to a head when the British fishing protection vessel HMS Kellington arrested a French trawler called "Athos" for illegal fishing in British waters on March 24, 1972.

The following day, the French warship "L’Agile" descended on the port of Fishguard, Wales, without warning the British government or the commander of the local navy.

The trawler had asked the French naval services to come and testify on their behalf.

Fishguard port Wales

Port Fishguard, Wales (Image: GETTY)

The ship “ L & # 39; Agile '', which should have immediately informed the local naval authorities of its intention, arrived unexpectedly as a surprise not only to the commander of the local navy, but also to the Ministry of Defense (MOD) and the Ministry of Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs. (FCO).

Labor MP George Cunningham asked Peter Kirk, Undersecretary of State for the Navy, if he would accept this behavior.

He asked: "Isn't it a very unusual practice for a foreign state to send one of its warships to a British port after the arrest of a merchant ship and the trial of its captain in the British port?

"Has the undersecretary observed that the captain of the French vessel has stated that, although unusual, this practice may have to become normal.

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Peter Kirk MP

Peter Kirk MP (Image: GETTY)

"Will he arrange with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that the French government is informed that if this becomes normal will be the decision of the British government, not of the French government?"

Mr Kirk admitted that it was unusual for the French Navy to arrive unexpectedly on the British coast.

He replied, "The exercise for fisheries protection vessels like A Agile’ needs to receive a program plan in advance.

"We are supposed to be notified 24 hours in advance of a call. This call was rather unusual and unexpected.

European fisheries

European fisheries (Image: EXPRESS NEWSPAPERS)

"We are discussing with the French authorities the circumstances under which a notification could be made in the future."

He added that if the French had not respected the agreed rules on this occasion, it might be necessary to review the current processes, which seem too rigid.

After this interaction, Mr. Cunningham wrote to Mr. Kirk complaining about "the substance of the point" as well as the way he had answered the question.

Because it took a second prompt to obtain the required information, Mr. Cunningham said that the minister did not come and that it was not a question. "good ministerial practice".

Mr Kirk replied that he did not want to be elusive, but that he considered the visit to be acceptable.

He added that a general program had been given to the British government in mid-February and that the exact times were to be communicated later, but that the visit of Fishguard was due to the fishing protection rights of the vessel and therefore at a last minute program change.

However, it has been claimed that "L & # 39; Agile" should have notified him as soon as he had known of his intention.

eu fishing license

EU countries most in need of UK fishing waters (Image: EXPRESS NEWSPAPERS)

Mr. Cunningham then asked whether the FCO was going to officially protest the French government, but he was shot dead by the Undersecretary of State at the Department of Foreign Affairs, Anthony Kershaw, who insisted that this was not necessary.

The FCO documents described the incident as a "minor administrative failure" and stated: "Our wish has been to minimize any suggestion of confusion or discord between us and the Navy."

Finally, the captain of the French trawler "Athos" was found guilty, fined £ 200 with £ 30 of costs and his catch – estimated at £ 1,500 – confiscated.

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