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How Keir Starmer treated me like his gay colleague proves he would make a great Prime Minister


Someone once said that you get the measure of a person by the way they behave towards LGBT people.

In the 90s, being in the legal profession was likely to marginalize you at best. The UK was then a hostile place to be gay. If the newlyweds go out to college, most gays and lesbians fall back into the closet when they become lawyers. If we did not do this, many of us would be nicely teased because of our sexuality. Others might not make fun of them but would still obsessively focus on our sexuality. For others, it was easier to ignore us.

I met Keir Starmer in 1992. I was a student lawyer and he was a junior tenant in the same rooms. The pupillage is demanding; Keir has watched over all of us. I was the first openly gay person in the rooms, and Keir made sure my boyfriend was as included as everyone. It sounds so obvious now, but back then, people weren't thinking about LGBT inclusion like Keir was thinking. Interestingly, it was around the same time I met Boris Johnson, who, as I did written pretty much before in this article, made my sexuality very relevant and left me feeling red and stupid.

Keir wanted to know what my boyfriend and I had done over the weekend. While it may not seem like it was remarkable. Straight people always chat about their weekends with each other; at the time, the gay lifestyle was rarely included in these jokes. Keir was aware that the privacy of most LGBT people had been wiped out; he made sure mine counted. We remain friends.

These were the worst years of the AIDS crisis. Keir knew that I had good friends with AIDS and showed compassion and concern. He wanted to know how the law could help and quickly recognized that without a human rights-based approach to HIV / AIDS, there would be no solutions. AIDS has deeply troubled him, not in a hostile way, but about how to guarantee the dignity of all those affected, especially those who are dying. It also offered something unique to the debate. He was particularly concerned about the vulnerable people already trapped in a marginalized community.

I remember going to an event together in the mid-90s. We were discussing what a future human rights law would mean for the disadvantaged. A young trans / non-binary boy stood up and shared his difficulties. Faced with a certain hostility, Keir jumped on their defense by stressing that human rights mean that nobody is excluded. It was clear: trivializing gender identity undermines the human rights agenda. For me, Keirs' commitment to trans equality has always been clear.

Indeed, much of the LGBT litigation that I have done would not have been possible without the advice of Keirs. When he was director of public prosecutions, he would find time to go through my arguments and my strategies for LGBT rights. Since I started doing this job in the mid-90s, Keir has gone out of his way to help me. He would like to meet LGBT victims of state oppression here in the UK and abroad. It was essential for him to hear the stories of Jamaicans and Ugandans directly.

In 1992, when Keir did his best to include the gay student, he was doing more than just showing his kindness, he was demonstrating that his default position was inclusion. His instinct was motivated by a commitment to justice for all. , and which is not just an academic exercise. Keir made sure my equality was significant. This experience gives us a glimpse of man. How will this instinct for equality manifest itself if Keir becomes Prime Minister? In a UK that belongs to everyone.

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