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Carrie Symonds shines as she shows off her bump and engagement ring when she first appears since Boris Johnson's baby announcement, The Sun


CARRIE Symonds beamed today when she showed off her bump and engagement ring when she first appeared since she revealed that she was pregnant.

The 31-year-old woman shone while speaking with guests on International Women's Day # 10 alongside fiance PM Boris Johnson.

    Carrie Symonds showed her growing baby bump in Downing Street
Carrie Symonds showed her growing baby bump in Downing StreetCredit: Crown Copyright
    Carrie Symonds unveiled her baby today while standing with fiance Boris Johnson
Carrie Symonds unveiled her baby today while standing with fiance Boris JohnsonCredit: Crown Copyright
    The 31-year-old woman wore her new engagement ring
The 31-year-old woman wore her new engagement ringCredit: Crown Copyright

The director of public relations was seen wearing her new engagement ring at the Downing Street event, which appeared to be a colored jewel surrounded by a ring of diamonds, for the first time since ; it was revealed that the couple were engaged and expecting a baby.

The sun understands that Carrie is six months pregnant with the baby expected in late May or early June.

And she looked cheerful while chatting with other women during the event earlier this week, dressed in a flowing patterned Anthropologie long dress.

The news means that the Prime Minister must become a father for the sixth time – and will be the first Prime Minister for nearly 200 years to marry during his tenure.

The couple, who have been together for about two years, got engaged at the end of last year, but have kept the secrets of everyone except their closest friends so far.

And delighted Carrie, already the first unmarried partner of a seated PM, revealed the good news with an Instagram photo of Boris kissing him on the cheek.

She wrote: I wouldn't normally post this stuff here, but I wanted my friends to find out. Many of you already know this, but for my friends who still don't know it, we got engaged at the end of last year. . . and we had a baby hatching at the start of summer.

"Feel incredibly blessed."

The announcement of the shock came just 11 days after Boris, 55, reached an agreement with his ex-wife Marina Wheeler, with whom he has four children, aged 20 to 26.

And Mr. Johnson should take paternity leave when the new bundle of joy arrives.


He also reluctantly promised to get stuck with changing diapers while he was toasted on the baby's news.

The Prime Minister was praised for news of This Morning by hosts Holly Willoughby and Philip Schofield – but squirmed when asked how his family had reacted.

He replied: "I have spent a lot of time deliberately not talking about it, for the very good reason that there are people I like who I don't want to put in the debate and that's the reason. "

But the PM insisted that he would help with the chores of becoming a new father later this year.

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