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Boris Johnson launches pro-Brexit lobby group after pro-remaining CBI is sidelined


Leading Brexiteer businessmen have launched a new voice for business destined to compete with a prominent lobby group criticized by senior ministers.

John Longworth, former managing director of British chambers of commerce, and John Mills, founder of JML, said the new network would provide a post-Brexit alternative voice after months spent by the CBI to campaign for the closest possible relationship with the EU.

The Multiparty Independence Foundation will test the business perspective using online surveys and help "hold governments by the fire" on Brexit, said Mills .

Its founders said the organization would campaign for full free trade agreements with the EU and the United States and challenge attempts by pro-remaining groups to undermine the Brexit process.

The launch of the new group comes after Boris Johnson neglected to invite the CBI and other corporate lobbies to his flagship speech on Britain's future trade relations last month.

CBI fights past battles

The Prime Minister's allies have said that the CIC, which campaigned against Brexit in the 2016 referendum, is still fighting past battles and has refused to accept Mr. Johnsons' determination to break the rules of the law. EU.

Under the leadership of Boris Johnson, a weekly meeting in the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy with the so-called five major trading bodies, including the ICC, has become a more monthly gathering important with other groups.

Last night Mr Longworth, who was a Brexit MEP until December and who will chair the foundation, said: "When in the future No. 10 will want to speak with one voice constructive and commercial, they will know where to go.

The new organization will be led by Brendan Chilton, pro-Leave Labor activist. Daniel Hodson, the former CEO of the Liffe Derivatives Exchange at the time, who was the honorary president of the Business for Britain campaign, was named vice-president.

On Friday, it emerged that Nissan, the Japanese automaker, would invest 400 million euros in its Sunderland plant despite previous warnings that Brexit would prompt the company to divert funds to funds. other countries.

Writing for the Telegraph website, MM. Longworth and Mills, also pledge to hold the government to account for its promises to keep the promises of the official campaign of leave for vote, which Mr. Mills, a former donor to the Labor party, briefly chaired .

They add: "We are also aware that many companies in this country have supported Brexit and that at present their voice is not heard in the commercial institutions and representative bodies of the country .

"TheCBI, Chamber of Commerce and FSB [Federation Of Small Business] have all tacitly or explicitly supported Remain and have lobbied in recent years to secure us as close as possible to the EU.

"Thus, our Foundation will also provide a dynamic commercial network, based on the most enthusiastic to seize the opportunities of family businesses of Brexit which constitute the vast majority of the economy. These will be the voices of companies who want to succeed and see a great future for Britain. "

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