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UK Hosts International Working Group on Women and Sport 2022-2026


The UK has successfully bid to become the Secretariat of the International Working Group on Women and Sport (IWG) from 2022 to 2026.

The Secretariat works year-round to enable women and girls to participate in sports, highlighting relevant issues and serving as a medium to share knowledge.

The Sport and Recreation Alliances bid has been supported by more than 100 organizations including Sport England, sportscotland and Sport Wales.

Alliance’s CEO, Lisa Wainwright MBE, is pleased to enable the UK to play a leading role in addressing barriers for women and girls to participate in sport.

“The benefits of hosting an IWG will be enormous,” Wainwright said.

“If the UK is to become a true thought leader in community sports, physical activity and volunteering, it must identify innovations, projects and best practices that work and have real impact, whether in the UK or globally.

“In this role, we will be able to reach out to different parts of the world to see and learn what other countries are doing to support women and girls through community sports and recreation.

“The opportunity for the UK to act as the IWG Secretariat will be an important opportunity for global leaders.

“I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the stakeholders, ambassadors and partners who made it possible to submit world-class tenders from 2022-2026.”

| UK wins bid to host IWG 4th year 2022 2026

IWG Women and Sports (@IWGWomenSport) July 21, 2021

A headline event included as part of this development is the IWG World Conference on Women & Sport in 2026.

It is the world’s largest conference dedicated to gender equality in sport and physical activity, typically involving more than 1,500 global experts.

New Zealand will host the IWG Secretariat and the World Conference in May next year from 2018 to 2022.

The conference was first held in Brighton in 1994.

It was organized by the British Sports Council and its declaration was updated in the Finnish capital Helsinki to become the Brighton Plus Helsinki 2014 Women’s and Sports Declaration.

Signed by more than 550 organizations, including the International Olympic Committee (IOC), International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and FIFA, it contains ten principles that enable women and girls to freely and safely participate in sports and physical activities. .

IWG works with organizations such as UN Women, UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, and the World Health Organization to drive change that achieves this goal.

UK tendering chairman Annamarie Phelps CBE OLY has pledged to build on IWG work in recent years.

“We are delighted to have the honor of taking on the role of hosting secretariat for this prestigious group and will work to build on the great legacy already built by countries that have previously held this position, including our predecessors in New Zealand.” Phelps commented.

“At the heart of the UK bid was the promise to learn from and share with others through sharing.

“While serving as the organizer, we operate as global citizens who embrace all cultures and identities, are committed to mutual learning, and have a shared responsibility to advance sports for women and girls in a sustainable way for the sporting system and sporting system. I will do it for posterity.

“We look forward to welcoming the world, challenging the status quo, re-evaluating and reinventing the way sport works, and propelling a dialogue that harnesses the power of sport as a driver for social change and social equity.”

UK Sport’s CEO, Sally Munday OBE, outlined the country’s goals as the host country’s secretariat.

Munday said: “It is a very proud moment for all our partners and everyone involved in sport across the UK to be announced as our next organizer.

“As part of UK Sports’ new mission, we want to strengthen collaboration and leverage the power and platform of sports success to drive change across well-being, diversity, inclusion and sustainability.

“Recent research, particularly conducted on women’s representation in international sports governance, shows that women continue to be significantly underrepresented, and a more nuanced approach may be needed to achieve greater progress towards gender equality.

“By being our next host office, we want to explore this approach, challenge the status quo, and bring more women and girls to the sport at all levels and show what is possible.

“Their great legacy is left before us and we will embrace it and actively support, advocate and promote reforms in the international sports system.”




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