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Nearly $ 300 billion in foreign aid spent by the US government

Nearly $ 300 billion in foreign aid spent by the US government



Summary of United States Foreign Aid FY2013-FY2018

The American taxpayer has been generous to foreign countries. Between 2013 and 2018, nearly $ 300 billion in U.S. taxpayer dollars was disbursed in aid to countries outside of the United States.

Each year the United States spent approximately $ 47 billion. Half of the aid went to Africa and the Middle East in FY2018, the latest year available for these statistics. Interestingly, despite President Donald Trumps America First’s agenda, aid to foreign countries remained virtually unchanged during the first two years of his administration.

This week, our organization at released a monitoring report, U.S. Foreign Aid How and Where the United States Spent $ 282.6 Billion, as well as an update on Aid and COVID-19 payments to the UN and other agencies. Sinclair Broadcast launched the report on its national office and 190 local affiliates with ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX.

Our auditors found that US foreign aid overshadows the federal funds spent by 48 of the 50 state governments each year. Only the state governments of California and New York spent more federal funds than the United States sent overseas to foreign countries each year.

U.S. Foreign Aid vs. Federal Spending by State Governments for Fiscal 2018

Many Americans would rather spend their hard-earned money elsewhere, according to a survey.

As our late honorary president, former US Senator Tom Coburn, MD has pointed out, when the American people are asked what government spending should be reduced in order to balance the federal budget, foreign aid programs usually come in. top of the list.

Do taxpayers instinctively know they are funding choir directors in Turkmenistan, filmmakers in Peru, help for poultry farmers in Tanzania, and sex education workshops for prostitutes in Ethiopia?

Recently, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funded $ 10.1 million for remedial reading programs in Zambia and Moldova. Taxpayers of public schools in the city of Baltimore might argue that their district should receive federal aid before any foreign country.

They would score a point. Fox Baltimore recently discovered a junior who passed three classes in four years and ranked almost the top half of his high school class with a GPA of 0.13.

Here are our top 10 takeaways from the Foreign Aid Report:

1. The United States gives more money in foreign aid than any other country in the world.

2. The United States spent at least $ 282.6 billion in foreign aid between 2013 and 2018, almost $ 47 billion in foreign aid in fiscal 2018 alone, the latest year available.

3. At least $ 14.6 billion in COVID-19 funding has flowed into four overseas-related expense accounts, while billions of those dollars have yet to be allocated or spent.

For example, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has nearly $ 10 billion in COVID-19 emergency aid to disburse and only $ 643 million is available as of June 30, 2021.

4. The United States spent 78% of its foreign aid for fiscal 2018 in two areas:

bilateral economic development programs (43%) military and non-military security assistance (35%)

5. In fiscal 2019, 23 US federal agencies reported spending US taxpayer dollars 12.2 billion on international organizations.

Twenty-five of these international organizations received a total of $ 11 billion, and 21 of these 25 won more than $ 100 million each.

Top 10 international organizations funded by the United States for fiscal year 2019

6. Forty-eight of the 50 US states received less federal dollars than Washington sent to other countries in fiscal 2018 ($ 47 billion).

7. Afghanistan received $ 6 billion in foreign aid from the United States in FY18, the most countries in the world, with Israel in second place at $ 3 billion.

That year, sub-Saharan Africa received the most foreign aid from the United States of any region in the world, with 27%, with the Middle East and North Africa combined receiving the second highest amount in dollars. US taxes, 24%.

8. Five US agencies distributed the bulk of US foreign aid spending in fiscal 2018, the first being USAID ($ 20.1 billion), the Department of Defense (13 , $ 3 billion) and the State Department ($ 7.4 billion).

9. US taxpayers contribute at least $ 9.7 billion annually to the United Nations system through 58 separate entities, including:

World Food Program: $ 2.6 billion for fiscal year 2019 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR): $ 1.7 billion for fiscal year 2019 $ million for fiscal year 2020, 5.9 billion dollars in US funding over 14 years UN Regular Budget: 685.5 million dollars for fiscal year 2021 for membership fees, 2.5 billion dollars over the past 3 years World Health Organization (WHO ): $ 230 million to date for fiscal 2021, $ 4.1 billion in US funding over 14 years of Palestinian aid from the United Nations Relief Works Agency: New $ 150 million in restarted aid announced in 2021, $ 6.3 billion sent by US taxpayers since 1953.

10. In 2021, the United States’ international affairs budget, which includes foreign aid and other funding for international operations (but not defense spending), was over $ 60 billion.


The federal government argues that this help is necessary to maintain good diplomatic relations, help allies and encourage pro-American sentiment abroad.

The defenders may be right. However, American taxpayers’ money goes to many entities and individuals who have nothing to do with these reasonable goals. As with all federal spending, billions of taxpayer dollars are wasted each year on fraud and abuse.

Congress needs more to exercise robust surveillance and open the black box for U.S. foreign aid by releasing every penny, online, in real time. America and our foreign aid disclosures must take responsibility again.

Further reading:

OpenTheBooks 40-page monitoring report on US foreign aid, here.




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