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Acting British High Commissioner congratulates the 22 Chevening Award winners from Bangladesh


Bangladesh Acting British High Commissioner Javed Patel congratulated those who received the Chevening Award in Bangladesh this year. Twenty-two Bangladeshi Chevening Awardees will be leaving for the UK soon to begin their one-year master’s degree at one of the UK’s most prestigious universities. Successful candidates will share their stories on Facebook, Twitter and nstagram with the hashtag #ChosenForChevening.

Acting High Commissioner Javed Patel said:

The UK Government Chevening Scholarships seeks to build an international community of people working together to drive positive change. We do this by bringing together amazing people from around the world to help them achieve their goals through education.

Chevening represents the best of England. Chevening can be a transformative experience for not only scholars, but also for Bangladesh to return to the UK and use the benefits of the UK experience to make a positive difference in their chosen field. Hearty congratulations to this year’s cohort of 22 Bangladeshi Chevening Awards. I am constantly inspired by the enthusiasm and dedication of the Chevening community.

Applications for Chevening Scholarships 2022/23 have started. For more information, visit We hope that many applicants will apply this year.

Chevening Scholarships is the UK Government’s global scholarship program. Since the program was created in 1983, more than 50,000 professionals have had the opportunity to advance in the UK through Chevening. Chevening brings together leaders from more than 160 countries and regions to create networks, friendships, shared memories and missions across the globe.

Chevening Scholarships are awarded to individuals from all backgrounds who can demonstrate that they have the commitment and skills needed to make positive change and show how a UK Master’s degree can help make that change. Scholarships provide full financial support for scholars to study for an eligible master’s degree at any UK university while accessing a wide range of exclusive academic, professional and cultural experiences.

There are over 330 successful Chevening graduates in Bangladesh and an additional 22 winners will join the program this year. Chevening Scholars in Bangladesh hold important positions in government, private sector and academia.

Applications for the next cohort (22/23) Chevening Scholarship to study in the UK are open until 2 November 2021 12:00 (GMT) and applications must be submitted via The British High Commissioner in Bangladesh is seeking ambitious, professional and innovative future leaders from all walks of life who are willing to complete their Master’s degree in the UK and immerse themselves in all the opportunities the Chevening program has to offer.

More than 1,500 scholarships are being offered worldwide for the 2022/2023 academic year, demonstrating the UK’s continued commitment to developing leaders of the future. For more information on eligibility criteria and scholarship specifications, visit the Chevening Scholarships website.

more information

British High Commission Dhaka UN Road Baridhara Dhaka – 1212 Bangladesh

Email: [email protected]

Follow the British High Commissioner for Bangladesh on Twitter. @RCDicksonUK

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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