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Coronavirus: British government first neglected nursing homes, says boss


Boris Johnson’s government faces new charges of endangering nursing home residents.Professor Martin Green, chief executive of Care England, said on Tuesday that the British government’s initial strategy to tackle nursing homes neglected against coronavirus, which has led residents not to receive hospital care, and a shortage of PPE, said Green. He added that some people discharged from the hospital with symptoms of COVID-19 had been sent to nursing homes. “We should have focused on nursing homes since the start of this pandemic,” said Green. Visit the Business Insider home page for more articles.

Boris Johnson’s government faces new questions about how effectively it protected nursing homes during the UK coronavirus crisis, one of the industry’s top officials saying the initial approach government put vulnerable residents at risk of catching the virus.

UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock and other ministers defended government management of nursing homes, Hancock insisting that protecting the elderly was “absolutely in mind from the start” .

However, Professor Martin Green, CEO of Care England, told the Health & Social Care Committee on Tuesday that the government’s priority for protecting the National Health Service was at the expense of nursing homes, its staff and residents.

“We should have focused on nursing homes since the start of this pandemic,” he told committee members this morning.

“What we saw at the beginning was a focus on the NHS and that meant that nursing homes were often cut off from medical support by the NHS. We also had a disruption in our PPE supply chains. protection).”

He added that residents of nursing homes requiring hospital treatment did not receive it.

“What we didn’t see was someone who could have needed hospital intervention, gone to hospital – and it was not just a question of lust, but also of other conditions.”

Green said that it was the policy of the British government to “empty hospitals and fill nursing homes” at the start of the crisis, and that people with symptoms of COVID-19 were placed in homes after leaving their homes. hospitals.

“Despite what is said, there have been cases, I think, of people who did not have Covid-19 status or who were symptomatic and who were sent back to nursing homes,” he said. told the committee.

“Since nursing homes are full of people with underlying health issues, I think we should have focused on where the people most at risk were, rather than on specific organizations, when we prioritized where we put our energies.


Green added that nursing homes did not yet have access to regular testing for their staff.

“The short answer, president [committee chair Jeremy Hunt]is that we got the announcement, but what we didn’t get was the delivery – and we don’t really know when it will happen. “

He added that “people often find that their tests do not arrive on time or are not taken on time.

“They find significant delays before people get results.

“So sometimes we look at 8-10 days before people get results.

“One of the things about testing is that it is not a single occupation. We need regular testing – this should be done two or three times a week if possible, so that we can really get the top.”

Just over 11,500 people in British nursing homes died after catching the coronavirus on Tuesday morning, according to government figures. However, the London School of Economics estimates that the actual number is over 22,000.

Libina Democrats health critic Murina Wilson told Business Insider: “It is heartbreaking to hear of so many deaths from coronaviruses in nursing homes. People are justifiably worried for their loved ones.

“It is even worse when we know that more could have been done if elderly patients with symptoms of coronavirus had not been sent to nursing homes without testing.”

“The government must take control. No nursing home should have to wait until June 6 for testing, and every frontline caregiver who puts themselves in danger must have the right protective equipment. We must ensure that no one be left behind. “

“The British people now deserve clear and honest answers to some serious questions and a commitment to an independent investigation, so that we can learn from them.”

Social protection experts from other countries offered advice on what the UK could do to make retirement homes safer during the COVID-19 crisis on Tuesday morning at the same committee session.

Adelina Comas-Herrera of the London School of Economics said that “ideally” caregivers in every region of the UK should have extra space to isolate residents when they cannot do it at home.

She told deputies that in South Korea, where no deaths occurred in nursing homes, residents who tested positive for the virus were immediately quarantined away from their nursing homes.

Isabell Halletz, CEO of the German nursing home organization Arbeitgeberverband Pflege, said that German nursing homes do not accept people released from the hospital unless they can be quarantined for 14 days.

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