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North Staffordshire mayor accuses poor eyesight after sharing tweet comparing Boris Johnson to Harold Shipman and John Worboys


A North Staffordshire mayor was sentenced – after sharing a tweet that said she trusted serial killers and rapists more than Boris Johnson.

Amanda Cartwright – a Labor city councilor and the current mayor of Kidsgrove – posted the controversial meme on Twitter.

The image shared by Ms. Cartwright was titled ‘The things I trust more than Boris’, the list including ‘An injection from Dr Harold Shipman’, ‘A taxi ride from John Worboys’ ‘and’ Covid-19 virus’.

It has drawn criticism from a number of people, including the Conservative MP for Stoke-on-Trent North Tory, Jonathan Gullis.

Today, Ms. Cartwright apologized “without reservation”, saying that the publication of the image was a “real mistake” and that it was due to “a serious visual impairment”.

The counselor for Talke and Butt Lane tweeted from a “personal account” rather than from a link with city council. It has since been deleted.

Mr. Gullis shared Ms. Cartwright’s position on his own account, calling it “repugnant” and “shocking”.

Kidsgrove Mayor Amanda Cartwright’s now deleted tweet

He said, “Publishing this is really shocking. As the mayor of Kidsgrove, you should be a community champion.

“Joking that murders, rapists and coronaviruses are more reliable than the Prime Minister is repulsive.

“How would the victims and their relatives feel?”

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Dr. Shipman is the most prolific serial killer in English history. In 2000, he was convicted of the murder of 15 of his patients, but investigators believe he actually killed around 250 people, most of them elderly women.

John Worboys, known as the Black Cab Rapist, was convicted of assaulting 12 women and reportedly claimed more than 100 lives.

Cartwright says she learned her lesson and pledged to be more careful on social media.

She said: “Last week I shared an image on my personal Twitter account. It was done in a hurry and due to my visual impairment I did not pay full attention to the text under image which included the language which I cannot approve or support.

“It was a real mistake and I sincerely and unreservedly apologize for any infraction caused.

“It was a salutary lesson for me to check and think before tweeting in the future.”

Alicia Kearns, Conservative MP for Rutland and Melton, was among those who criticized the tweet.

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Should the mayor of Kidsgrove stay in office after the “disgusting” tweet?


She said, “It is absolutely shameful that a letter is being sent asking for a formal written apology.”

Sue Chadwick tweeted: “It shows that she is not fit for the office. She should be an ambassador for the region and that is clearly not the case. She can think about what she likes in private, but publish it shows a massive lack of common sense and sensitivity towards his public position. Oh dear! “

But others have compared the tweet to the recent case of three Conservative MPs, including Health Minister Nadine Dorries, sharing the post of a far-right activist presenting a doctored video of Labor leader Keir Starmer.

Ms. Cartwright has been named the first citizen of Kidsgrove for 2019/20. His mandate was extended due to the coronavirus pandemic.

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