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Police watchdog to announce decision on Johnson-Arcuri investigation | Boris Johnson


Boris Johnson will know Thursday if he faces a criminal investigation into his relationship with an American businesswoman when he was mayor of London.

The Independent Bureau for Police Ethics (IOPC) must reveal its long-delayed decision on whether to investigate him for possible criminal misconduct over his friendship with Jennifer Arcuri.

The watchdog will make the announcement at noon, after spending months on an exercise to determine the Prime Minister’s ability to respond.

Johnson was officially referred to the watchdog in September because he was the head of the mayors’ office for police and crime at a time when Arcuri was receiving public funds and had access to Johnson-led commercial trips when he was mayor. Arcuri has received thousands of pounds of public money, including 11,500 from the Mayors Promotion Agency, London & Partners.

Johnsons’ office also stepped in to give her a place on trade missions to New York and Tel Aviv with Johnson, after she was initially refused because she did not meet the criteria.

The IOPC has repeatedly stressed that it had received no pressure from the government on the decision, which was expected before the last general election in December, or on its timetable.

The watchdog has the duty to investigate any alleged criminal offense committed by a police officer, whether or not he is still on duty. This assessment is now complete almost eight months after it was first referred to the IOPC.

Johnson insisted that he acted honestly and said that he had no interest in declaring himself to Arcuri, who said that she had not done him any favors. Arcuri conceded, however, that the then mayor should have declared their friendship.

In response to an access to information request, the IOPC stated at the beginning of the month that it was continuing its scoping exercise. In a letter to the Union for Social Policy and Transparency Thinking Society, he said: We are aware of the public interest in this matter and once a decision has been made, we will make a new statement .

He vigorously denied having delayed the decision not to obstruct the Prime Minister before the last election.

The watchdog is deemed to have made up his mind, believing that, whichever way he goes, he could face a legal challenge, such as a judicial review, from those who do not agree with him.

If he decides not to open a criminal investigation, it will not be the end of the case. A special committee of the Greater London Authority will take up the allegations, its president told The Guardian.

Len Duvall, Chairman of the Supervisory Committee and Labor member of the London Assembly, said: We are waiting for the end of the IOPC. If they come back with a negative conclusion [not to investigate], it returns to the supervisory committee. We will review the evidence and come to a conclusion.

The supervisory committee works at a level of evidence below the threshold beyond a reasonable doubt required for criminal proceedings, but cannot apply any sanction other than a public report.

Earlier this year, critics accused the IOPC of dragging their feet in the decision. Sin Berry, the co-leader of the Green Party running for the Greens in next year’s municipal elections, said in January: This has been going on for too long.

She added: They should have made a decision before the general election. When there are big problems about someone’s conduct in public life and they are ready to be elected to the highest office in government, there is no real justification for a delay .

Siobhan Benita, the Liberal Democrat candidate for mayor of London, said: It is already scandalous that this whole episode was actually seated during the general election when there was enough evidence for an investigation to continue .

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