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Has Boris Johnson really avoided scrutiny?


I haven’t seen Boris much. Where is the Prime Minister right now?

Susannah Reid on Good Morning Britain earlier this week. “data-reactid =” 42 “> These are not the words of Labor leader Sir Keir Starmer, but of TV presenter Susannah Reid on Good Morning Britain earlier this week.

Presenter Piers Morgan also participated, of course, by asking on Twitter: Where are you?

United Kingdom has the second worst coronavirus number of dead in the world but Boris Johnson has only been seen a handful of times in the past few weeks. “data-reactid =” 44 “> The UK has the second worst coronavirus death toll in the world, but Boris Johnson has only been seen a handful of times in the past few weeks.

Latest news, updates and advice on coronaviruses

Live: follow all the latest UK and worldwide updates“data-reactid =” 46 “> Live: follow all the latest updates from the UK and around the world

Fact-checker: The number of COVID-19 cases in your region“data-reactid =” 47 “> Fact-checker: the number of COVID-19 cases in your region

6 graphics and maps explaining how COVID-19 is spread“data-reactid =” 48 “> 6 graphs and maps explaining how COVID-19 is spread

Johnson himself as the worst public health crisis in a generation Is it normal for a leader to make so few public appearances? “data-reactid =” 49 “> At a time when danger is described by Johnson himself as the worst public health crisis in a generation, is it normal for a leader to make it a few public appearances?

Here Yahoo News UK breaks it down

Johnsons participation in daily press conferences

On March 16, just as the COVID-19 epidemic began to take hold, Downing Street introduced daily press conferences on coronaviruses.

Number 10 briefings initially received audience figures of over 10 million, Johnson facing six of the first seven. He took another on March 25, before being tested positive for COVID-19 on March 27. “Data-reactid =” 53 “> The number 10 briefings initially received audience figures of more than 10 million, Johnson ahead of six of the top seven. He picked up another on March 25, before d be tested positive for COVID-19 on March 27.

At this point, he had taken seven out of 10 information sessions (70%).

Since returning to work on April 27, Johnson has presented only two of the 22 information sessions (9%) he attended.

Dr. Mark Bennister, a senior lecturer in politics at the University of Lincoln who researches political leadership, told Yahoo News UK: It is an important part of leadership, especially when announcing a policy, to communicate, be accountable and be scrutinized for this policy. .

If you chair cabinet meetings and sit in the Prime Minister’s office, it is not a good sign to demonstrate that you have a perfect understanding of the details and that you are ready to defend your policies. [if Johnson is not attending the briefings].

It is important to be visible in your communication, especially in times of crisis.

How do other leaders approach their press briefings?

In Scotland, Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon has organized almost all coronavirus briefings. The Scottish government held these press conferences almost every day of the week.

The same is true in New Zealand, where Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has attended the vast majority of government press conferences.

In contrast, French President Emannuel Macron does not conduct press conferences in his country, while German Chancellor Angela Merkel only holds briefings after important cabinet meetings, as opposed to a fixed schedule.

Johnsons in the House of Commons

PM’s appearances before members of Parliament were just as rare as his participation in press briefings.

Since returning to work on April 27, Johnson has only been in the House four times: three for mandatory Prime Minister’s questions (PMQ) on Wednesday and one for a statement on the partial lifting of the lockdown restrictions Monday during the week last.

Dr. Bennister said: This was the Prime Minister’s first statement on COVID-19, which is significant.

Boris Johnson at PMQ last week. (British Parliament / Jessica Taylor)


It’s hard to sort of make a comparison because we’re in uncharted waters, but the best comparison is Theresa May trying to manage the UK through Brexit.

She was in the House almost every Monday morning to make a statement and answer questions for more than two hours. This was in addition to the PMQs and occasional appearances before the Liaison Committee.

You would really expect more [appearances in the Commons from Johnson], although there are extenuating circumstances in terms of ill health and that Parliament is not open.

The story continues

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