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Boris Johnson will not be subject to criminal investigation into Jennifer Arcuri


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Boris Johnson with Jennifer Arcuri at an event in 2014

Boris Johnson will not be subject to a criminal investigation into his dealings with American businesswoman Jennifer Arcuri when he was mayor of London.

The Independent Bureau for Police Conduct said in its report that there was “evidence” that the couple had an “intimate relationship”.

But there was no evidence that Mr. Johnson had influenced payments to Ms. Arcuri or her businesses.

The Prime Minister has always denied any wrongdoing.

His spokesperson said: “We welcome the fact that this politically motivated complaint has been dismissed.

“Such vexatious allegations of irregularity in power were false and unfounded.”

The spokesman added that it was “not a question of the police, and we consider it a waste of time for the police”.

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The PM is now facing a separate Greater London Assembly investigation into allegations of conflict of interest during his tenure as Mayor of London between 2008 and 2016.

“Close association”

The Assembly’s investigation was suspended until the IOPC published its findings.

Mr. Johnson was referred to the police watchdog in September for allegations of public service misconduct, as the role of the Mayor of London is also the Commissioner of London Police and Crime.

The investigation was sparked by a Sunday Times report that Arcuri had joined trade missions he led and that she had received thousands of pounds in sponsorship grants.

IOPC Executive Director Michael Lockwood said: “While there is no evidence that Mr. Johnson influenced the payment of sponsorship funds or participation in trade missions, there was evidence suggesting that these officers making decisions regarding sponsorship funds and participation in trade missions believed that there was a close relationship between Mr. Johnson and Ms. Arcuri, which influenced their decision-making. “

The review “established that there was a close association between Mr. Johnson and Ms. Arcuri and that there could be an intimate relationship,” said the watchdog.

She said that if Mr. Johnson had an intimate relationship with Ms. Arcuri, “it would have been wise for him to declare this as a conflict of interest”.

“No irregularities”

But the GLA code of conduct at the time meant that he was not required to do so, says the watchdog, and he recommended a series of steps to tighten the code.

The IOPC said that its review had taken longer than expected because some of the documents it wished to see “never existed or were deleted”.

Len Duvall, head of the Labor Group at the London Assembly and chairman of the GLA supervisory committee, said: “The IOPC was specifically looking into whether he had committed a criminal offense.

“It is beyond our purview and their decision has little impact on our investigation, which will focus on his conduct as mayor of London.”

The Assembly’s inquiry will examine whether Mr. Johnson “behaved in the manner expected” from a senior official, said Duval.

“The supervisory committee will take into account the current emergency when examining the timetable for the investigation,” he added.

In October last year, an internal government review found “no irregularities” in a 2019 decision by the Ministry of Culture, Media and Sports to award a 100,000 grant to Hacker House, a company owned by Ms. Arcuri.

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