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Coronavirus: heartbreaking video from NHS hospital cleaner convinces Boris Johnson to make the U-turn


An NHS hospital cleaner has been recognized for convincing the government to extend its coronavirus bereavement program to low-wage workers.

In an emotional message to Boris Johnson, Hassan Akkad said he felt “stabbed in the back” when he learned that the families of migrant NHS cleaners, porters and social workers would not be eligible for indefinite leave at United Kingdom in the event of death. the fight against Covid-19.

Following pressure from Labor, the GMB union and the huge reaction to Akkad’s video, the Interior Ministry announced that it would extend the program to the families of low-paid workers. It was originally intended for families of people in particular professions, such as nurses.

Tagging Boris Johnson in his tweet, Akkad appealed directly to the Prime Minister’s humanity, claiming he saw a “humble Boris” come out of the hospital after recovering from Covid-19.

I really appreciated the applause that you, your fellow ministers and the government made every week. Today, however, I felt betrayed, stabbed in the back. I was shocked to discover that you decided to exclude me as well as my colleagues who work as cleaners and porters and social workers who are all on minimum wage. You have decided to exclude us from the bereavement regime.

We migrants are on the front lines doing this very demanding work to help this nation overcome this pandemic and the least you can do, if we die, to give indefinite leave to stay. Please reconsider.

Akkad’s video, which has been viewed 3.7 million times, has garnered high-profile support.

Although Johnson has not publicly acknowledged Akkad’s video, many believe it may have helped influence the government’s decision.

Akkad, 32, arrived in the UK in 2015, documenting his perilous journey in the documentary Exodus: Our Journey to Europe, winner of the Bafta Prize.

He announced on Twitter that he had started working at Whipps Cross Hospital in east London as a cleaner to “help this nation overcome this pandemic”.

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