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Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak divided on whether to extend state aid to the self-employed during The Sun coronavirus pandemic


The Trésor and n ° 10 would be divided on whether or not to grant state aid to the self-employed.

Their disagreements were blamed on the delay in announcing whether the income support scheme for the self-employed (SEISS) will be maintained in accordance with the five-month extension for workers on leave.


The Treasury and the number 10 would be divided on whether or not to grant state aid to the self-employed

Chancellor Rishi Sunakhas has so far refused to call more and more to expand the program, which currently offers grants of up to 7,500 self-employed workers to cover three months of lost income – covering March, April and May .

In contrast, the employee leave plan has already been extended to eight months – ending in October.

This is despite the fact that Boris Johnson hailed the SEISS as granting parity of support to the self-employed compared to the employees.

The self-employed have warned Sunak that they need a decision in a few days as they face a cliff on June 1 when the money dries up.


They say that not knowing whether they will continue to receive income support beyond this month will have a major impact on their ability to rebound after the crisis.

The independent body IPSE warned that the government would commit a gross injustice if it did not last.

Meanwhile, a petition launched yesterday calling for an extension drew more than 40,000 signatures in the first 24 hours.

And consumer expert Martin Lewis warned that hundreds of thousands of businesses would fail unless they received support parity.

The Treasury insists that the two regimes cannot be compared because they tackle different problems and are also fundamentally different.

Officials point out that the self-employed can still work while applying for subsidies under the scheme, unlike workers on leave.

But this is in contradiction with the Prime Ministers’ commitment, at the start of the lockout, that the government ensure parity of support between the self-employed and the employees.


Minister of Employment Mims Davies directly compared the support of the self-employed and employees

And last month, Minister of Employment Mims Davies also directly compared the two regimes.

She told Parliament: The program brings parity with the coronavirus job retention program, under which the government has agreed to pay up to 2,500 a month in wages for employed workers who are on leave during the epidemic.

A source involved in setting up the SEISS program in March said that No10 was the driving force behind it, while the Treasury was initially very much against it.

A Treasury source said last night: “These two regimes – among the most generous in the world – were put in place to solve the various problems created by Covid. We keep everything under control and have already shown that we will act if necessary. “

Sunak also faced mounting outside pressure yesterday, as independent bodies warned that failing to extend the plan according to the leave schedule would be gross injustice.

Andy Chamberlain, of the Association of Independent Professionals, said: Self-employed workers are only an essential and major part of the workforce: these are also the hard-working entrepreneurs that we will need to revive the economy after the coronavirus.


“However, most of them cannot continue their work in the midst of this deadly pandemic and they count on government support to keep their businesses afloat.

We were delighted when the government answered our calls and implemented the self-employment income support program, but it must now keep it open as long as the self-employed need it.

“He must not commit a blatant injustice by extending the employee retention program but by pulling the rug from under the self-employed.

“Maintaining employee support while removing support from the self-employed also risks forcing freelancers to return to work in unsafe conditions. This may force them to make an awful choice between their health and their income.

A Tory said that Mr. Sunak wanted to extend the program until the end of July but limit access to subsidies to self-employed workers who can prove that they have no other income during this period.

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He would be surprised how many self-employed workers continued to work while claiming government subsidies.

The conservative said, “No10 thinks the numbers are so small, so do it and give the economy a chance to restart.

“The compromise will be to extend it until the end of July like the leave scheme, but the Treasury wants conditions – that is to say no other income during this period.”

The sun says

WE understand that Rishi Sunaks is concerned that the independent bailout is ripe for fraud and his reluctance to prolong it.

But the fairs are fair.

The government cannot close millions of businesses and then not fully support them.

It is a moral, economic and political disaster.

The employees were well received.

However, cut the money at personal starters and the lockout will collapse in a matter of minutes.

Rishi Sunak warns never seen before coronavirus recession leaving permanent damage

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