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Lockdown, what lockdown? Boris Johnson’s rules fail as Britons flock to the beach | United Kingdom | New


Our exclusive online survey asked readers, “Does the lock fail after the beaches were crowded yesterday?” And the 83% response (2,902 people) was a resounding yes. Only 16% (544 people) thought government restrictions were working – despite photographic evidence showing crowds of sun seekers on crowded beaches – while 1% (54 people) said they did not know. A total of 3,500 people participated in the online survey, which took place yesterday from 3:30 p.m. to 8 a.m. this morning.

Temperatures peaked at 27.8 ° C on Wednesday and the temptation to go outside proved to be too great for many.

Photos showing beaches teeming with swimmers and bathers have sparked anger on social media, with critics saying the government has failed in its efforts.

One woman noted the irony of the closure, workers being put on leave because it is not safe for them to return to work while being allowed to go to a crowded beach.

Responding to our survey, reader Twonky said, “Useless exercise. This only happened because our career politicians cannot make a decision and hide behind the experts.

“Be careful, I can’t blame them when the lawyers supported by the public of the culture of the claim are all sitting like vultures on the fence while waiting for their party.”

Another reader called Mountainhiker said: “The bottom line is, people are tired and ready to go out.

“The lockdown has arrived as much as possible and it’s time to get back to work!”

READ MORE: Britons are advised not to go to the beach on sunny weekends

Cynic44 said: “Not failing, failed. And actually finished.”

And Fran1 said, “People are fed up with having their throats jostled at all radio and television stations every five minutes.”

The reader Antjohn92 said: “The bubonic plague has killed 50% of people in Europe and even more worldwide.

“Millions of people have died and yet we have recovered and at that time we had little or no medical means. Food for thought.”

The Norfolk Coast Partnership has called on the public to move away from its coastline for the time being so that the region is not “overwhelmed”.

The Dorset Council and the Visit Peak District & Derbyshire tourist office tell people to “think” before you travel, act responsibly and protect the local community.

The local Cumbria resilience forum sent a thank you message to vacationers who postponed their trips to the region after the number of visitors last weekend was “lower than expected”.

AA President Edmund King has asked that the rules be clarified to reduce the pressure on scenic coastal and rural areas.

He said: “The government may have had to delay the relaxation of pleasure travel after the holiday to avoid this situation.

“But drivers should also think about the distance they need to travel to enjoy the great outdoors safely.”

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