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Boris Johnson forced to reduce Huaweis’ role in UK 5G networks | Technology


Boris Johnson has been forced to give in to conservative backyard rebels opposed to Huawei’s presence in 5G networks and has devised plans to reduce Chinese society participation to zero by 2023.

The Prime Ministers’ retreat is designed to ward off what could have been an embarrassing defeat when his current proposal to reduce Huawei to 35% market share was to be voted in the Commons.

Although Johnson has a strong majority of 80, the number of Conservative MPs eager to rebel on the issue is now estimated at 50 enough in theory to defeat the government as anti-Chinese sentiment hardens in light of the coronavirus crisis.

The aforementioned retirement will delight the White House, which is waging a fierce campaign against Huawei, but will probably provoke a hostile reaction from Beijing, which believed that the United Kingdom was open to foreign investments until now.

The original plan was approved last January with the support of British intelligence agencies. They argued that any risk that Huawei equipment could be used for mass surveillance could be contained.

But political concerns about Chinese society persist. The rebels forced a vote on a telecommunications bill in early March, and 38 Conservative MPs voted with the opposition after Johnson refused to reduce Huaweis’ market share to zero.

At the time, that was not enough to defeat No. 10, but sources close to the rebels said an increasing number of deputies in 2019 were ready to vote against the government, a sign of escalating geopolitical tensions with China.

As the coronavirus crisis worsens, China has been accused of not being transparent in the early stages of the disease, while tension has also increased, as Beijing recently threatened to impose a new national security law in Hong Kong.

Senior ministers also want to reduce UK economic dependence on China for essential goods in light of the crisis and have started to develop the Defend project to strengthen British self-sufficiency in strategic medical sectors and technology following warnings from intelligence agencies that the UK needs to reassess its relations with China.

Downing Street declined to comment, although sources said the Johnson Plan reports were accurate. But last night, one of the rebel leaders, Sir Iain Duncan Smith, welcomed the change of heart. This is very good news and I hope and think it will be the start of a full and thorough examination of our dangerous dependence on China.

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