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Eurobites: British mobile operators and government sign rural coverage agreement


Also in the EMEA regional gathering today: EE is active in Scotland; NGMN Alliance moves to native cloud; Disney deals with Telefnica.

  • British mobile operators Big Four EE, O2, Three and Vodafone are scheduled to meet with government ministers today (Monday) to sign a $ 1 billion (US $ 1.3 billion) deal which, according to its donors fund, will bring 4G coverage to 95% of the UK landmass by the end of 2025, thereby addressing the issue of "partial non-spots" in rural areas. The shared rural network (SRN), as the agreement is officially known, sees the four operators investing $ 532 million ($ 696 million) in a network of new and existing telephone sets, a network that will be overseen by a joint venture, Digital Mobile Spectrum Limited. The UK government will provide funding of nearly $ 500 million ($ 654 million), which will focus on providing new infrastructure in the "total of non-point areas". However, according to the news site City A.M, the program has been "watered down", BT operating its own equipment in certain areas covered by the program rather than sharing nicely with its competitors, who will collaborate to jointly build new sites which they will be the only ones to share. in the same ad, the government has also pledged $ 5 billion ($ 6.5 billion) to subsidize the deployment of gigabit capacity broadband in the "hard to reach" areas of the United Kingdom. (See Eurobites: UK Govt offers 500 million carrots to sort Mobile's rural “non-spots” and BoJo’s British broadband plan seems Barmy, but don’t write it off.)
  • With regard to mobile masts in remote locations in the UK, the aforementioned EA has sounded its trumpet on the number of 4G sites it has lit across Scotland since 2012: 2 300, to be precise. EE says the new masts mean that 69% of rural Scotland can now receive 4G service.
    OK, the view is ruined ... but the coverage is fantastic!

    OK, the view is ruined … but the coverage is fantastic!

  • The NGMN Alliance has joined the growing list of industry organizations seeking to define the optimal telecom approach for native cloud deployments, announcing that it has initiated work focused on "native cloud infrastructure, hardware disaggregation, open interfaces, open platforms, advanced computing and automation". The Frankfurt-based industry body recognizes that "a number of industry organizations are currently working on different aspects of the topics" and that it "aims to facilitate close alignment, leading to integration results to form a common architectural view ".
  • The Walt Disney Company has entered into another agreement with a European operator for the spread of its imminent Disney + streaming service. This time, it's Telefnica's turn, which will add the service to its Movistar + platform. Disney + will launch on March 24 in the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Austria and Switzerland. (See Disney + accelerates its European invasion.)
  • The security or otherwise of the UK 5G network will be investigated by the government's parliamentary defense committee, Reuters reports. The investigation is, of course, largely motivated by lingering concerns about Huawei's involvement in UK 5G networks, a stake that has received the green light, albeit with some number of conditions, Boris Johnson administration a few weeks ago. (See Tough UK Limits on Huawei & # 39; s Role in 5G Threaten Telco Plans and Eurobites: Trump Blows His Top at Boris Over Huawei – Report.)
  • Cubic Telecom, based in Ireland, is collaborating with Kymeta on a network platform that allows customers to switch from satellite to LTE connectivity "seamlessly". The technology is largely intended for emergency services, military users and the transport sector, with buses, ships, trucks and connected trains potentially benefiting from it.

    Paul Rainford, Associate Editor, Europe, Light Reading

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