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Rupaul’s Drag Race UK Queens is Coming to Teesside – Here’s How to Get Your Tickets


Drag Royalty will sweep across the UK next fall for RuPauls Drag Race UK’s Series 3 tour.

Visit theaters and stadiums across England, Scotland and Wales for an endless night of frenzy as all 12 queens of RuPauls Drag Race UK Series 3 travel across the country.

Stockton audiences can see the Queen live on stage on Saturday, October 15th, on a tour that includes a date at the Globe.

For the latest breaking news across Teesside, go here.

Acclaimed for its incredible production value, this spectacular tour will include series three finalists Kitty Scott-Claus, Krystal Versace, Vanity Milan and Ella Vaday.

Buy tickets here

RuPauls Drag Race UK: The Series 3 Tour is run by Werq The World producer Voss Events in collaboration with Live Nation and Cuffe and Taylor and the media company behind Drag Race, World of Wonder and follows the official sold-out Series 2 Tour. It runs through February of next year.

Ben Hatton, Cuffe and Taylor’s Theater Tour Director, said: We’re excited to announce RuPauls Drag Race UK: The Series 3 Tour already before we even filmed Series 2 on the road.

Sales demand for the first tour was there when we announced earlier this year that we had decided to put everything in place for the Series 3 Tour.

RuPauls Drag Race UK is an exciting show and we are undoubtedly looking forward to witnessing a night of amazing and outrageous live entertainment at venues across the UK.

Visit RuPauls Drag Race UK: Series 3 Tour:

August 31

Bradford, St George’s Hall

September 23

Swansea, Swansea Arena


Birmingham, Symphony Hall

September 24

Cardiff, Motorpoint Arena

September 4

Nottingham, Royal Concert Hall

September 28

Portsmouth, Guildhall


Newcastle, O2 City Hall

September 29

Bournemouth, International Center


Dundee, Kired Hall

September 30

Plymouth, Plymouth Pavilion

September 9

Edinburgh, Playhouse


Brighton, Brighton Center

September 10

Glasgow, SEC Armadillo


Oxford, New Theater

September 14

Blackpool, Opera House


Manchester, Opera House

September 15

Sheffield, City Hall


London, London Palladium

September 16

Liverpool, M&S Bank Arena


London, London Palladium

September 17

huh, bonus arena

October 12

Southend, Cliffs Pavilion

September 18

Bristol, Hippodrome

October 14

Ipswich, Regent Theater

September 21

Llandudno, place Cymru

October 15th

Stockton, Stockton Globe

September 22

Derby, Derby Arena

October 16

Harrogate, Harrogate Convention Center

Tickets go on general sale at starting Friday, November 26th at 10am.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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