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Jet2, Tui, Ryanair, Easy Jet: 13 countries ban travel to the UK due to surge in Omicron cases

Jet2, Tui, Ryanair, Easy Jet: 13 countries ban travel to the UK due to surge in Omicron cases
Jet2, Tui, Ryanair, Easy Jet: 13 countries ban travel to the UK due to surge in Omicron cases


There are 13 countries that have banned travelers to the UK as Omicron cases continue to spread across the UK and the prime minister introduces stricter rules.

PM moved to Plan B on Wednesday (December 8) and confirmed that 448 new omicron variants were discovered in the UK yesterday on December 10, bringing the total to 1,265 across the UK.

As a result of this spike in cases, some countries have taken steps to bar British tourists from entering the country.

This information is according to the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office in the MyLondon report.

It’s important to check before you go on a trip, so you don’t go unnoticed.

13 countries are:


You can only enter Australia if you are exempt or have an individual exemption.

Exemption categories include Australian citizens, permanent residents of Australia and immediate family members of Australian citizens or permanent residents.

Otherwise, the country is out of scope. This was the case for most infectious diseases.


The Bhutan border is currently closed to foreigners, including British citizens.

The Royal Government of Bhutan has not yet specified when the country will reopen to foreign visitors.


All direct flights from the UK have been banned by Chinese authorities.

The bill is subject to review, but no date has been announced.

Entry from third countries is still possible.

Falkland Islands

Current visitor restrictions mean that tourists are not allowed to visit the Falkland Islands, including via cruise ships.


Tourist visas are not currently available for UK nationals.


Non-Israeli citizens are not permitted to enter Israel unless they have a special entry permit from a dedicated ‘exception board’.


Effective November 30, 2021, all foreigners (including British nationals) who do not have an existing status of residence will be barred from entering Japan for any purpose, except in exceptional cases.


The Lao government has suspended visa-on-arrival services at all international entry points. Visas are not issued to people traveling from countries affected by COVID-19, including the UK.

New Zealand

New Zealand borders are currently closed to almost all arrivals.

You may travel to New Zealand while borders are closed if you believe your travel has an important purpose.


This small South American country has closed its borders to the outside world.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, all borders are closed.


British nationals are prohibited from entering Malaysia.

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Some exemptions may apply, including: British nationals with permanent resident status, resident passes, My Second Home Program (MM2H) pass, professional visit pass and dependent pass, all categories of expats, spouses (spouse visas) and student and temporary employment passes of Malaysian nationals.


Vietnam has suspended visa waivers, visa issuance and entry into Vietnam for all foreigners with a few exceptions.


Taiwanese authorities have announced a temporary ban on foreigners from entering Taiwan.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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