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LIVE Coronavirus Map: Panic Boris Moves “TOO QUICKLY” When Locked Out and Fear Virus Will Break Out | United Kingdom | New


Boris Johnson’s plans to ease lock-in restrictions in England have worried government science advisers that there are 8,000 new coronavirus infections a day. They fear that the relaxation of restrictions will now lead to a second wave.

SAGE scientist John Edmunds, professor of infectious disease modeling at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said, “We can’t just let go of our guard at all.”

The warning was echoed by Wellcome Trust director Jeremy Farrar, who also sits on the committee.

Speaking on Twitter, he said: “COVID-19 is spreading too quickly to lift the lockdown in England.

“I agree with John and clear scientific advice.

“TTI must be in place, fully operational, capable and capable of immediately managing any surge, rapid results adapted to local conditions, and infection rates must be lower and reliable.”

Yesterday it was revealed that the UK remains at level 4 of the COVID alert system despite the fact that the Prime Minister has reduced the lockdown measures in England from Monday.

Johnson had previously said that he would not relax the measures until England reached level 3.


Relaxing the lock could lead to a second wave (Image: GETTY)

Live British Coronavirus Map (Image: EXPRESS)

12:50 pm update: deputy mayor of Liverpool accused of breaking the lock

The deputy mayor of Liverpool has resigned as an investigation takes place into images of a gathering in her garden during the lockout.

The city’s labor group is investigating after a video was broadcast on social networks of at least 12 people at Lynnie Hinnigan’s home, where a number of chairs have been set up.

Councilor Hinnigan stated that no party had taken place due to the locking restrictions on Covid-19 and that the guests had just dropped off gifts at a surprise event for her daughter’s 50th birthday.

She told the Liverpool Echo: “I really didn’t know it was happening, it was really a surprise.

“Everyone has a hard time locking themselves up, can’t see family and friends, but everyone should always follow the rules, stay alert, stay safe and socially at bay, that’s exactly what I told my daughter and the reason why I never left home.

“I’m sorry if it hurt someone because it was never mine or my daughter’s intention.

“Many other families in our city have struggled throughout this period. We must always follow the advice until we can come face to face.”

12:05 p.m. update: Huge plans to rebuild UK economy after pandemic

The government plans to launch a major stimulus package before the summer with a focus on creating jobs and infrastructure projects to help pull the economy out of the coronavirus crisis, the Financial Times reported.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak declined to say on Friday whether he would issue his next budget statement, expected in the fall, to explain how he would tackle the rise in British debt.

But Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s government was elected in December after promising to modernize the country’s crunch infrastructure and the FT said it would be a central part of its stimulus package, along with retraining workers.

“We are trying to identify ready-to-start projects that we want to move forward,” said a minister.

Update 11:35 am: Should the lockdowns be relaxed NOW or should the British wait until Monday? is asking readers for their opinion on Boris Johnson’s latest announcement that certain lockouts will be relaxed starting Monday.

The Prime Minister said on Thursday that since 1 June people in England can meet in groups of six in parks and gardens as long as they follow the social distancing guidelines.

But some have criticized the announcement four days before the measures were put in place and believe that people should be allowed to mix with larger social groups today.

Share your thoughts with us in the survey below.

11:00 am update: Lib Dems criticizes government for easing

Liberal Democrat health critic Munira Wilson criticized the easing of the lockout. She said: “The decision of key Sage members to publicize their concerns shows that ministers are no longer following science.

“The test, trace and isolation system we need to keep people safe is not yet fully functional.

“The NHSX application has been delayed for an unknown period. For seven consecutive days, the government has been unable to provide even basic data on the number of people tested.

“In addition to these failures, public health messages have been seriously undermined as people see it as one rule for the conservative elite and another for everyone.

“In light of this chaos, the measures to lift the lock appear premature.”

10:15 am update: face cover may be mandatory in schools from September

Students may need to wear masks when they return to school after the COVID-19 pandemic, said the Welsh Minister of Education.

Kirsty Williams said the Welsh government plans to use face shields to keep students and staff safe when classrooms start to open.

Currently, more than 6,000 children of key workers attend schools in central Wales and are not required to wear face masks.

Mostly empty schools will again accept classes of 15 from Monday (Image: PA)

9:35 am update: supermarket style queues in front of schools starting Monday

School leaders have said they expect supermarket-style queues outside school doors and divided play areas as some students return to class in the coming days.

The government has given the green light to welcome first and sixth grade students to return to school from Monday, the five main tests required for flexibility being met.

Schools preparing to accommodate more children have implemented a series of measures to keep them safe, from new rules for parents at dusk to one-way systems in the hallways.

Director Simon Kidwell said, “The social distance for adults is going to be strict, with a restitution system where parents will have to line up a bit like a supermarket.”

8:47 am update: Russia now has the third largest epidemic in the world

Russian authorities have reported that 8,952 new infections have been confirmed in the country in the past 24 hours, bringing the national total to 396,575, the third highest total in the world after the United States and Brazil.

On Saturday, it reported 181 deaths from the coronavirus in the past 24 hours, down from a record 232 deaths the previous day, bringing the death toll to 4,555 across the country.

8:20 am update: fears of mass layoffs in the coming months

Unemployment is feared to skyrocket when Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s leave plan ends in October.

Currently, the government has agreed to pay 80% of the wages of those unable to work during the coronavirus pandemic. The amount paid by the Treasury will decrease in August, as employers are asked to contribute to the wages of people unable to work before the plan is completely stopped in the fall.

However, Manchester mayor Andy Burnham warned that “a large number of businesses will go bankrupt”.

He said: “I have an overnight economic adviser in Greater Manchester and he texted me yesterday after the Chancellor’s announcement that ending the leave scheme in October would lead to huge layoffs in the hotel sector.

“And, I would say, it almost undermines the point of having the leave plan in the first place.”

7:50 am update: pubs could serve pints again in just four weeks

Pubs with outdoor coffee could reopen in July, recognized a government minister yesterday.

Speaking about how the UK’s withdrawal from the foreclosure would likely continue in the coming month, Environment Secretary George Eustice hinted that pubs and outdoor restaurants would be the first in hotel businesses to open.

He said: “The sectors that will have the greatest challenge in returning to work, which we recognize, and I am sure the Chancellor will recognize it as well, the hospitality sector and some of these other paying places, especially cinemas and some theaters, restaurants and pubs will also find it difficult to resume their activity.

“And that’s why we won’t loosen the restrictions on them until at least July and even then it’s likely that in the case of pubs and restaurants it will only start with beer gardens and outdoor spaces. “

London in Lockdown (Image: GETTY)

7:35 am update: Trump attacks the WHO as a puppet of China as he vows to end relations with the United States

The United States will end its relationship with the World Health Organization regarding the body’s management of the coronavirus pandemic, US President Donald Trump said on Friday, accusing the United Nations of becoming a puppet of China.

The decision to leave the Geneva-based organization, to which the United States officially joined in 1948, comes amid growing tensions between Washington and Beijing over the coronavirus epidemic.

The virus first appeared in the Chinese city of Wuhan at the end of last year.

Speaking at the White Garden Rose Garden, Trump said Chinese officials “had ignored their reporting obligations” to the WHO on the virus – which has killed hundreds of thousands of people around the world – and put pressure on the agency to “mislead the world”.

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