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Omicron Sub-Lineage variant under investigation in UK



UK health officials said on Friday that they would conduct further analysis of the Omicron strain of COVID-19 after designating it as the strain under investigation (VUI).

According to the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), which monitors data related to the pandemic, the subline known as BA.2 has a low number of cases in countries where the original Omicron strain BA.1 is still dominant.

The VUI designation is an early step in the investigation prior to designation as a Variation Concern (VOC), which is now the original Omicron BA.1.

The UKHSA has announced that an Omicron variant subline known as BA.2 has been designated as the variant under investigation.

The number of BA.2 cases is currently low and the original Omicron strain, BA.1, is still dominant in the UK and will now be further analyzed. The UKHSA says it is continuing to closely monitor data for the BA.2 sub-lineage.

A sublineage was assigned in early December of last year, and as of January 10 of this year, 53 BA.2 sequences have been identified in the UK.

UKHSA Incident Head Dr. Meera Chand said: “Viruses evolve and mutate, so we expect to see new strains continue to emerge as the pandemic progresses.”

Our continuous genome surveillance allows us to detect them and assess whether they are important. The incidence is still high across the UK, so stay vigilant and get vaccinated, she said.

The UKHSA update comes as the UK recorded another 107,364 COVID-19 infections on Thursday after falling below 100,000 in recent days. Health officials say there is now high confidence that the omicron variant causes disease of low severity in adults.

However, confidence in the child severity indicators is low because further analyzes are needed to compare hospitalization risks between omicron and delta and to assess the clinical characteristics of children’s disease.

UKHSA Chief Medical Adviser, Dr Susan Hopkins, said: “Although the number of children admitted to hospitals has increased slightly, the current coronavirus (COVID-19) poses a very low health risk to children and infants.” He said he would launch further analysis.

Early data show that hospitalized young children experience mild illness and are discharged after a brief hospital stay. She added that getting a booster jab remains the most effective way to protect yourself and others from infection and serious illness, and testing remains an important tool in the fight against COVID-19.

Earlier this week, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the rollback of strict COVID-19 restrictions as so-called Plan B measures brought in to combat Omicron are allowed to expire next Thursday.

People will no longer be instructed to work from home whenever possible or wear face masks as a legal obligation. Larger venues don’t legally require a COVID vaccine certificate or negative COVID test, but you can still do so.

Going back to Plan A, the House will find that some measures remain, including self-isolation. Prime Minister Johnson said it was a legal requirement for people who tested positive for COVID-19 to self-isolate.

The World Health Organization (WHO) this week said the global situation remains challenging but the UK could start to see the light at the end of the tunnel.”

The UK’s hometown has also eased strict household mixing norms as pressure on hospitals is under control.




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