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Cindy Parlow Cone re-elected as President of United Soccer defeats Carlos Cordeiro

Cindy Parlow Cone re-elected as President of United Soccer defeats Carlos Cordeiro



Cindy Parlow Cone will continue her role as president of US Soccer. Meg Oliphant/Getty Images

Cindy Parlow Cone was re-elected as president of the United States Soccer Federation on Saturday, rejecting a challenge from her predecessor Carlos Cordeiro.

Cone won 52.9% of the USSF National Council’s weighted votes and will now serve a new four-year term that expires in 2026, just months before the United States co-hosts this year’s World Cup. there with Canada and Mexico. .

Saturday’s tally was the closest final ballot in American football history.

“The moment of division is now a thing of the past. We are one federation. We are one team. I promise to be the leader for all of us,” Cone said after the vote. “I have never been more excited and more optimistic about the future of our beautiful game. Our national teams are young, exciting and full of promise. Our professional leagues are at the forefront of driving our sport. for grassroots football to be as vibrant, healthy and changing lives every day and we are expected to stage at least one World Cup and show the world what we have to offer.

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“Now is the time for all of us to work together. No more divisions. We don’t have time for all of this. Our time has come and I promise you each of you has a friend and a partner and as as president of American football.”

Just three months ago, Cone looked like he could run unopposed. She had taken over after Cordeiro resigned in 2020 when USSF legal documents in the equal pay lawsuit made derogatory remarks about the players stating that they “do not perform equal work requiring equal skills. [and] effort” because “the overall soccer playing ability required to compete at the Senior Men’s National Team level is significantly influenced by the level of certain physical attributes such as speed and strength”.

After Cordeiro’s resignation, Cone led the USSF through the COVID-19 pandemic and, under his watch, the USSF secured a settlement in the equal pay lawsuit, along with a new rights agreement. media with Turner Sports.

But dissatisfaction with Cone’s performance in grassroots state associations has led some voters to push Cordeiro to run for his former position. There were also concerns that the USSF under Cone was wasting an opportunity to develop the sport that comes with hosting the World Cup. Cordeiro announced his intention to appear in early January.

Still, Cone managed to get enough votes — she got several public endorsements from members of the Athletes’ Council, who held 33.3% of the weighted vote — to win re-election. On the eve of Saturday’s election, Cone had received endorsements from 32 players on the United States Women’s National Team.

Following the result, USWNT player spokeswoman Molly Levinson said, “Equal pay has gone from a whisper in the locker room to a roar on the field to fundamentally change the sports industry and football in the United States and around the world. We look forward to Cindy’s leadership.”

Cone added that she will turn her attention to a report by former Deputy Attorney General Sally Q. Yates into allegations of abusive behavior. Yates was hired in October to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct in women’s professional soccer.

“We’re not just looking to make a change just to make a change,” Cone said. . And I felt that too, and I hear that from other people. But we want to make sure that the changes we make are the right changes and really impactful changes. And really, we want to do everything we can to make sure and prevent that from ever happening again. ”




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