How Money Creates A Gap Between Boris Johnson's Best Advisors | Latest Brexit News and Updates
PUBLISHED: 9:30 pm March 11, 2020 | UPDATE: 9:30 p.m. March 11, 2020
![Downing Street Special Advisor Dominic Cummings (left) and Director of Communications Lee Cain (right) attend Boris Johnson's press conference at a NATO summit. Photography: Adrian Dennis / PA.](!/image/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_75/image.jpg 75w,!/image/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_145/image.jpg 145w,!/image/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_225/image.jpg 225w,!/image/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_300/image.jpg 300w,!/image/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_490/image.jpg 490w,!/image/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_630/image.jpg 630w
Downing Street Special Advisor Dominic Cummings (left) and Director of Communications Lee Cain (right) attend Boris Johnson's press conference at a NATO summit. Photography: Adrian Dennis / PA.
PA Wire / PA Images
Boris Johnson's key advisers, Dominic Cummings and Lee Cain, may appear to be running a tight ship on Downing Street – but TIM WALKER reveals that behind-the-scenes salaries are causing tension.
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Dominic cummings and Lee cain have been accused of acting as nightclub doormen in the way they protect Boris Johnson of careful media scrutiny. Behind the scenes, however, I hear the relationship between the two murderers straining over the vexed question of money.
Surprisingly, Cain, who is the director of communications at Downing Street, earns $ 145,000 a year, while Cummings, supposedly his eldest prime minister's special adviser, is paid $ 99,000.
Cummings' resentment of Cain may well stem from the fact that Dynamic Maps – his brand new information technology consultant – doesn't seem to be the silver vein he had imagined: his net worth as of February 20 this year and has just been reported to Companies House. 1p, compared to 78,751 in 2019.
Ironically, Cummings might have wanted a relatively modest salary because he feared that his overall income, taking into account the income from Dynamic Maps, would push him into a higher tax bracket.
Cain was responsible for running the Vote Leave campaign and also worked in the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs under Andrea Leadsom and Michael Gove. He was best known as Daily Mirror journalist for having to disguise himself as chicken to taunt David Cameron, that's why Cummings may not see him as his intellectual equal.
As George Osborne – whose fondness for high visibility jackets and safety helmets borders on fetishism – Boris Johnson likes to dress up.
He donned a personal protective suit for his visit to Bedford Technology Park the other day, where scientists are working on faster tests for Covid-19, which must have made staff wonder. he wore it to protect himself from their toxicity or vice versa. . People who know these things tell me that he had, needless to say, put this in a way that made it totally useless in any case.
Johnson, like his old friend Donald trump, has started a slow and stumbling start of the coronavirus crisis, but now seems to see it as an opportunity to grow. I am told that there is a growing frustration in the medical community that Johnson considers himself the primary provider of advice and information on the virus, rather than the expert professor Chris Witty, the chief medical officer of England.
"In the past, public health messages have always been delivered by independent scientists or medical experts, such as Chris, because they hold the necessary authority," a health professional tells me. "Johnson has a credibility problem with a large part of the population and, moreover, what he says is often contradictory. One day he says that everyone should wash their hands, the next day he says that he is happy to continue shaking hands with people.
The fall fails
The memories of David Cameron& # 39; old & # 39; caretaker & # 39; Baroness Fall – I revealed that she was writing them last May – turned out to be just as annoying as I had feared. "A missed opportunity," noted a reviewer this weekend. "Fall is just too reluctant to criticize, too eager to make Cameron's years a success."
How much more interesting the book would have been if Fall had shed new light on his father, Sir Brian Fall, who has the dubious distinction of having helped Vladimir Poutine take power. As Britain's ambassador to Moscow in the 1990s, he introduced President Putin then very unimportant to the president of the day. Boris Yeltsin.
Fighting shy
The last general election proved difficult for the Lib Dems, but City & # 39; Superwoman & # 39; Nicola Horlick gave the Tory Greg Hands a run for its money in Chelsea and Fulham, where it garnered 25.9% of the vote, up 14.9% from the previous election.
Horlick doesn't get into anything without enthusiasm and she remains active in the Lib Dems. Last week, she organized a fundraising evening for Siobhan Benita, her party's candidate in the London municipal elections, at home. I asked Horlick if she could run again, and she smiled enigmatically.
Benita, meanwhile, tells me she has a practical problem: her two main male rivals – Shaun Bailey for conservatives and workers Sadiq Khan – refuse to debate with her. Mandrake challenges them to become men.
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