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US Congress Votes to Limit Trump's War Powers Against Iran | USA News



Washington DC – The US House of Representatives approved a war powers resolution on Wednesday to limit President Donald Trump's ability to wage war on Iran.

The adoption of the resolution was a further rebuke from the president for his decision to order the assassination of Iranian general Qassem Soleimani in January amid escalating tensions with Tehran.

The Senate voted 55 to 45 – with eight Republicans joining the Democrats on February 13 – to approve the resolution. The House action sends the measure to Trump, who has threatened to veto it. A two-thirds vote in the House and the Senate would be required to overturn a veto.


The measure requires that Trump obtain congressional approval before engaging in new military action against Iran.

"Congress should vote on articles of war before further hostilities with Iran," said Democratic Representative James McGovern in a debate in Parliament.

Trump ordered the attack that killed Soleimani, the Iranian elite force chief Quds, at Baghdad airport on January 3. The conflict with Iran quickly turned into a dead end that many members of the United States Congress feared would lead to outright war.

Iran responded to the murder of Soleimani by attacking two Iraqi bases housing American troops. More than 100 American soldiers have been diagnosed with head trauma.

"The Constitution gives Congress the power and the responsibility to declare war," said House majority leader Steny Hoyer, a Democrat.

Under the War Powers Act of 1973, the resolution orders the withdrawal of US forces from hostilities against Iran that have not been authorized by Congress.

Changing justifications

The resolution "ignores current reality," the White House said in a statement on Tuesday.

"It was drafted several weeks ago with the aim of preventing an escalation between the United States and Iran," added the White House.

"Despite the predictions of many people, no such escalation has occurred," said the White House. "The United States currently does not use any force against Iran, in part because of the administration's sound policies and decisive and effective actions."

Tensions with Iran have escalated since Trump unilaterally withdrew the United States from the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran in May 2018. Since then, Trump has campaigned " "maximum pressure" against Iran, including economic sanctions, diplomatic isolation and military threats.

"It is this regime that President Trump has said so clearly that Iran will never get nuclear weapons while we are under surveillance," said the Secretary of State. US state Mike Pompeo at the annual conference of the US Israeli public affairs commission last week.

Anti-war sentiment has increased in Congress as US troops remain mired in conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.

Trump has repeatedly stated that he wants to end "American wars in the Middle East" and has sought to promote peace talks between the Taliban and the US-backed government in Afghanistan.

Mourners attend a funeral ceremony for Iranian General Qassem Soleimani and his comrades, who were killed in Iraq in an American drone strike Friday in the city of Kerman, Iran, on Tuesday, January 7. 2020. The

Mourners attend a funeral ceremony for Iranian General Qassem Soleimani in the city of Kerman, Iran (File: Erfan Kouchari / Tasnim News Agency via AP Photo)

But Trump administration officials have offered shifting justifications for the drone attack who killed Soleimani and three other people in a car at Baghdad airport. They first said that Soleimani was planning imminent attacks on US troops and sites, but only provided vague details. Later, a legally mandated White House report to Congress did not cite an imminent threat.

The US air attack on Soleimani on Iraqi soil has sparked public demands in Iraq for the departure of American troops. US officials have so far refused to respond to these calls.

Wednesday's vote is the latest in a series of congressional actions that indicate that Trump has no support for a potential conflict with Iran.

The Democrat-led US House of Representatives previously voted on January 30 to approve two measures to restrict Trump's ability to lead military action in the Middle East.

A bill that would block the funding of any use of offensive force against Iran was passed by 228 votes to 175. A second measure, repealing the authorization granted by the Congress in 2002 to the American invasion of Iraq, was adopted 236-166. The House also voted 224-194 on January 9 to reprimand Trump for the murder of Soleimani.

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