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Boris Johnson could give you $ 6,000 to upgrade to an electric car – here’s how the new scrappage program might work


(Photo: Matt Cardy / Getty Images)

Boris Johnson plans to launch plans to give drivers up to 6,000 to trade their gasoline or diesel car for an electric model, the Telegraph reported.

The newspaper said the Prime Minister could use an economic speech on July 6 to outline his plans for a scrappage program.

The move should be designed to help automakers hit hard by the coronavirus crisis, with new car sales down nearly 90% in May from the same month in 2019.

AA President Edmund King called on drivers to “accept the deal” if it comes to fruition, as it “would help both automakers and clean air.”

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Here’s everything you need to know:

How will it work?

At the time of writing, the plan had not been officially announced and details on the plans were scarce; Johnson allegedly sketched a speech Monday July 6 to make an announcement.

But the program could see drivers donate up to 6,000 to trade their gasoline or diesel cars for an electric model.

A previous initiative launched in 2009 saw 2,000 motorists exchanging old cars for new models.

Half the money came from the government, the other half from the manufacturers.

Rosie Rogers of Greenpeace UK said: “The government would go in the right direction by favoring electric vehicles at the expense of polluting diesel and petrol. But they have to go further to really see clean transport driving the green recovery .

“Any scrapping program should also give people the opportunity to use public transportation instead of a new vehicle, or to buy electric bikes as an alternative to their car.”

What would the program achieve?

Any new scrapping program would be designed to direct new car buyers to electric vehicles, as the government continues to seek new environmentally friendly policies.

Figures released by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders show that new pure battery cars only held a 1.6% share of the new car market last year.

Transportation Secretary Grant Shapps said the ban on selling new gasoline, diesel and hybrid cars and vans could be brought forward from 2040 to 2032 in order to meet carbon reduction targets.

RAC traffic policy chief Nicholas Lyes predicted that a scrappage program “could be the revolutionary boost the auto industry needs.”

He continued: “Drivers’ concerns about emissions are growing and interest in zero emission vehicles is increasing.

“But many continue to say that the initial cost of electric vehicles compared to those of conventional vehicles of similar size is an obstacle to their change, so any type of program that addresses this problem would be welcome.”

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