Amnesty International UK Media Awards 2022 – winners announced

Award presented by Nawal Al-Maghafi and Krishnan Guru-Murthy
Al Jazeera wins Best Investigative Award
Outstanding Impact Award awarded by BBC for investigation into Russian Wagner Group
The winners of Amnesty International’s prestigious UK Media Awards 2022 were announced this evening at an awards ceremony in London hosted by BBC Special Correspondent and Film Producer Nawal Al-Maghafi.
The awards celebrate the best human rights journalism in 2021 in 12 categories: research, broadcast news, documentary, photojournalism, student media, radio and podcasts, and digital media use.
Al Jazeera won the Best Investigation Award for its work in exposing state corruption and human rights violations in Bangladesh. BBC News took the top spot in the broadcast news category for reporting on the situation of women and girls in Afghanistan since the Taliban took over. The Guardian won the Best Use of Digital Media Award for his creative work at the moment Israeli forces attacked the Al-Jala Towers in Gaza.
The captivating Collective: Unraveling a Scandal took first place in the documentary category and Patrick Strudwick won in the feature-length category for i-Paper detailing the plight of LGBT people in Afghanistan.
The Amnestys Outstanding Impact Award, presented by Channel 4 news anchor Krishnan Guru-Murthy, was presented to BBC News Arabic, BBC News Russia and BBC Digital for a joint investigation into the insidious activities of the Russian Wagner group.
Al Jazeera Media Network, Al Jazeera Investigation: All Prime Minister’s Minions
Judges: Seyi Rhodes (Channel 4), Rachel Jupp (BBC), George Arbuthnott (Sunday Times), Barney Calman (Mail on Sunday), Kai Akram (Amnesty International UK).
i Newspaper and, The LGBT plight in Afghanistan, by Patrick Strudwick
Judges: Annie Kelly (Guardian), Joe Wallen (Telegraph), Matt Vella (FT Weekend Magazine), Matt Chapman (Investigative Press), Moya Lothian-McLean (Novara Media), Ella Berny (Amnesty International UK).
Gaby Rado Awards Best New Journalist
Rosa Furneaux, Bureau of Investigative Journalism
Judges: Sophia Yan (The Telegraph), Sahar Zand (freelancer), Lindsay Taylor (friend of Gaby Rado and former Channel 4 News correspondent), Samantha Poling (BBC Worldwide), Rachel Reilly (Amnesty International UK).
student reporter
Durham University, Kimmy Chada
Judges: Nimra Shahid (Global Witness), Eamonn Matthews (Quicksilver Media), Simi Jolaoso (BBC), Matt Chorley (Times Radio), Jason Bennetto (City University of London), Kai Akram (Amnesty International UK).
Radio and Podcasts
Whistledown Productions for Audible UK, The Bias Diagnosis – Episode 3: Thoughts
Judges: Nihal Arthanayake (BBC 5 Live), Owenna Griffiths (BBC Radio 4 Today), Basma Khalifa (Unpretty Podcast), Tom Cheal (LBC), Harriet Garland (Amnesty International UK).
news broadcast
Judges: Laura Kuenssberg (BBC News), Carly Bishop (ITV News), Deborah Haynes (Sky News), Cait FitzSimons (5 News), Neil Durkin (Amnesty International UK).
Best use of digital media
Guardian, Airstrike Countdown: The Moment When Israeli Forces Attack Al-Jalah Tower in Gaza
Judges: May Abdalla (ANAGRAM), Lydia McMullan (The Guardian), Matt Risley (Channel 4), Richard Moynihan (BBC), Joe Pickover (PA Media), Kai Akram (Amnesty International UK).
written news
Al Jazeera English Online, “Tigrayan uterus should never give birth”: Rape in Tigray
Judges: Josie Ensor (The Telegraph), Michael Safi (The Guardian), Joel Taylor (Metro), Manveen Rana (Times & Sunday Times), Rachel Reilly (Amnesty International UK).
Harsha Vadlamani, see how rural India was overwhelmed by the second wave of the plague.
Judges: Mark Sealy (Autograph ABP/University of the Arts London), Philip Coburn (Daily Mirror), Paul Conroy (freelance), Sara Rumens (The Times), Smita Sharma (freelance), Richard Burton (Amnesty International).
country and region
BBC Scotland Mapping the Impact of Covid on Nursing Homes in Scotland
Judges: Jennifer McKiernan (BBC London), Toby Granville (Newsquest), Eve Livingston (Freelance), Ellie Cullen (Press Association), Patrick Corrigan (Amnesty International UK).
BBC Storyville, Collective: Unraveling the Scandal
Judges: Tom Giles (ITV), Sarah Waldron (BBC), Daniel Louw (Channel 5), Nevine Mabro (Channel 4), Ella Berny (Amnesty International UK).
great influence
BBC News Arabic, BBC News Russia and BBC Digital News, inside Wagner Group
Amnesty International UK Award
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For images of the winners, visit
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Twitter: @NewsFromAmnesty
Amnesty International is the world’s leading human rights organization with over 10 million supporters worldwide.
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