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Launch of export package to promote world-class British seafood overseas

Launch of export package to promote world-class British seafood overseas


The UK government today announced a million packages to boost seafood exports and promote the industry’s high-quality produce abroad.

The package will target growing overseas markets and provide new export opportunities for the UK fishing and seafood sector that has left the European Union.

Global exports of UK seafood reached more than 1.6 billion units in 2021, and salmon was the UK’s fourth-largest food and beverage product in 2021, with a total of around 730 million units. The investment announced today will help further grow seafood exports.

Seafood Export Packages:

Identify new international buyers and connect with British seafood companies Promote British seafood at international events Improve your British seafood expertise at overseas embassies and consulates

The package-funded seafood specialists will work closely with established agro-food and beverage companies to help UK companies expand their market access and overcome the technological barriers that keep companies from entering global markets. . Our experts provide valuable insights to help solve industry-specific challenges and provide a more personalized approach to promoting seafood in new and existing markets.

Fisheries Minister Victoria Prentis said:

We exported $1.6 billion worth of British seafood in 2021 and we want that figure to rise. We are opening up export opportunities in new markets around the world, and the 1 million we are announcing today will help seafood companies across the UK take advantage of them.

Export Minister Mike Freer said:

These funds will be of real help to businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It’s a real step change for current exporters and for those looking to access new seafood markets for the first time.

This new fund strengthens the UK’s position as a global leader in its sector and enables Great British seafood to be enjoyed in more countries than ever before.

The UK Government is committed to working with businesses to help them succeed in global markets through a first-class export support framework that will support jobs and economic growth across the UK.

This includes the recent co-hosting of the UK Seafood Pavilion at the Seafood Expo Global in Barcelona, ​​giving some UK companies the opportunity to exhibit at the show for the first time and strengthening support for already established companies. to show.

Hannah Thompson, Seafish’s Head of International Trade and UK Regional (West) said:

The UK seafood sector has had some tough years due to the pandemic and the difficulties of leaving the EU. At the world’s largest seafood trade fair in Barcelona last month, we were delighted to help seafood companies return to their global customers. The UK Pavilion has been a huge success and this new fund will revitalize the sector to showcase high quality and sustainable seafood from the UK’s passionate seafood producers.

Louise Kelly, Director of Edwin Jenkinson Limited, said:

The initial opportunity and support provided by Seafish, Defra and DIT as exhibitors to the Global Seafood exhibition was invaluable. By visiting as an exhibitor, we were able to meet all potential new customers face-to-face, truly understand their business and grow our relationship faster. In just a week, we are already exporting to new markets and gaining more potential customers!

This package complements the extensive export support the UK government is already providing to the UK’s world-leading food industry. Food and beverages are an important part of the Made in UK and Great campaigns supported by HM Trade Commissioners, Trade Envoys and Export Champions.

Background The 1 million investment is the final part of the 100 million UK Seafood Fund. The UK Seafood Fund also includes 24 million science and innovation initiatives that help improve the sector’s sustainability through data collection, research and innovation. Minimum of 65 million available to improve infrastructure and strengthen supply chains Up to 10m for skills and training to create new jobs and skilled fishermen.




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