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Para-American Women’s National Team draws Japan 1-1 in Game 3 of the inaugural 2022 IFCPF World Cup

Para-American Women’s National Team draws Japan 1-1 in Game 3 of the inaugural 2022 IFCPF World Cup


SALOU, Spain (May 14, 2022) – The United States Para-American Women’s National Team battled to a 1-1 draw against a skilful and feisty Japanese team, who need a win to stay in life and have a chance to make the final. With the draw, the United States clinch a game in the first final of the 2022 IFCPF Women’s World Cup scheduled for Tuesday, March 17.

After a scoreless first half in which the United States beat Japan 13-3, the team finally broke through on a fantastic goal which saw sub Joey Martin (Smyrna, Georgia) hit a perfect cross from the right flank which was skillfully finished. from the middle of the penalty area into the bottom left corner of Catarina Guimares’ goal, his 10th goal of the tournament.

The United States were in control the entire game, but an unlucky own goal on a fly ball in the penalty area tied the game. USA defender Cassidy Leake (Murrieta, Georgia) jumped up to defend the clumsy ball, but it deflected off her chest and then inadvertently looped into the net over goalkeeper Rebecca Ostrander (Carson City, Nevada) who entered the game second. half.

For the first three quarters of the game, defender Annie Wickett (Frederick, Maryland) led USA’s defensive efforts in goal, where she started in place of Emily Lauritsen (Omaha) who had to recover.

The teams’ starting lineup against Japan also included forward Leah Glaser (Montclair, NJ), midfielder Jesslyn Kuhnel (Panama City, Fla.) and defender Michelle Cross (San Diego), who, along with Guimares, is the only player to start all three games.

With the team scheduled to play its fourth game in four days on Sunday, head coach Tricia Taliaferro also rested team captain Kat Renick of the University of South Florida. Renick scored five goals and six assists in the USA’s 14-0 win over the Netherlands on May 13.

The United States is now tied with Japan for second place in group play with 7 points, behind Australia with 9 points. Due to USA’s insurmountable goal differential (as the tournament caps differential margins at more than 10 goals per game, regardless of the actual score), USA will not finish below second place, regardless of whatever the result against Australia. The United States is currently 2-0-1 with a +20 goal differential, while Japan is 2-1-1 with a +7 goal differential.

A win over Australia in their final group game on Sunday, May 15 (12:45 p.m. local / 6:45 a.m. ET) will give the United States first place. A draw will give Australia the group crown, with the final between the two sides taking place on Tuesday regardless of the outcome. All tournament matches can be streamed live at


Game: USA Para-Women’s National Team vs. Japan

Date: May 14, 2022

Competition: 2022 IFCPF World Cup

Venue: Futbol Salou Sports Complex


Kick-off: 6:45 a.m. ET (12:45 p.m. local time)

Weather: 72 degrees; sunny

Rating Summary: 1 2 F

United States 0 1 1

PND 0 1 1

USA Catarina Guimares (Joey Martin) 35th minute

Own goal JPN (Cassidy Leake) 43.


United States: 3-Annie Wickett (2-Rebecca Ostrander, 41); 4-Michelle Cross; 7-Catarina Guimares, 9-Leah Glaser (5-Joey Martin, 26), 10-Jesslyn Kuhnel (8-Cassidy Leake, 41)

Unused subtitles: 1-Emily Lauritsen, 6-Kat Renick

Head Coach: Tricia Taliaferro

JPN: 6-Miyabi Hamada; 3-Mai Ohta, 4-Saki Kuroki, 5-Rie Ishihara, 7-Ayumi Takemura

Unused Subs: 1-Masami Ryochi

Head Coach: Yukio Jin

Stat Summary: USA / JPN

Shots: 28 / 4

Backup: 2 / 13

Corner kicks: 5 / 1

Faults: 5/3

Summary of misconduct:

United States Joey Martin (watch) 27th minute.

JPN Ayumi Takemura (watch out) 49.


Referee: Hector Robas

Referee: Ana Dominguez




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