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Lebanon Travel Advice – GOV.UK

Lebanon Travel Advice – GOV.UK


The Department of Foreign Affairs and Development (FCDO) prohibits travel to: The Hermel region, including Palestinian refugee camps within 5 km of the Syrian border, including the villages of Arsal, Ras Baalbek, Qaa, Labou and Nahl, FCDOs are required to travel to the rest of Lebanon due to ongoing instability. In particular, the FCDO advises against all travel except essential travel to certain areas of security concern. The southern suburbs of Beirut are defined as: Road – to the airport. The region includes Bir Hassan, Ghobeiry, Chiyah, Haret Hraik, Burj Al Brajne, Mraije, Er Rouis and Laylake. It excludes the main airport highway, the Beirut-Saida road and from there to the coast, and the area between the airport highway and the south coast of Abbas El Mousawi Road. Borders and Aabdeh, Halba and Qoubaiyat highways Rayak-Baalbek highway in the city of Tripoli (from Riyak intersection along the highway to Baalbek), the surrounding area and surrounding towns including Baalbek, and also the Rachaiya, Hasbaiya, Khiam towns and Nahl towns in the east area Beqaa Valley south Ain el Hilweh on the Syrian border and highways up to 5 km from Ain el Hilweh within 500 m from Palestinian refugees and up to 5 km from the Syrian border Camp in Saida, south of the Litani River, excluding the main Naqoura-Tyre-Saida-Beirut highway and its western part

Lebanon’s COVID-19 entry restrictions

Before traveling, please check the entry requirements section for current entry restrictions and requirements in Lebanon. This is subject to change with some warnings. Monitor this advice for the latest updates and stay in touch with your travel provider.

UK departure and return

See what you need to do to travel abroad and return to England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.

If you plan to transit through another country to return to the UK, check out the travel guide for the country you are going through.

Lebanon is experiencing a long and severe economic crisis. Things are unpredictable and can get worse without warning. If you are currently in Lebanon or are considering traveling, you should read our Safety & Security page.

Basic necessities (fuel, medicine, food) are becoming increasingly scarce. Electricity in Lebanon is also very limited. The availability and quality of health care is affected by the economic crisis and fuel shortages. For more information and how to prepare yourself, see Tribal and Local Medical.

Although consular assistance is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by phone or online, in-person consular assistance is strictly limited in parts of Lebanon where all travel is prohibited and where advice is given for all travel except essential travel. If the political or security situation deteriorates, the assistance the British Embassy can provide may become increasingly limited. Do not rely on FCDOs for evacuation in case of emergency.

If you are abroad and need urgent assistance from the UK government, please contact the nearest UK embassy, ​​consulate or high commission.

If you are planning a trip to Lebanon, find out what you need to know about the coronavirus in our Coronavirus section. See the Coronavirus page for information on the COVID-19 vaccine.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, it is more important than ever to get travel insurance and make sure it provides adequate coverage. See FCDO Guidelines for International Travel Insurance.

Crimes including bag theft, property crimes and sexual harassment in public have increased as a result of Lebanon’s economic downturn. This includes Beirut. See Safety and Security.

Conflict with Israel could escalate with little warning, leading to a rapid escalation of violence. There was an exchange with the Israel Defense Forces across the Blue Line in southern Lebanon. These include cross-border artillery, rocket launches and air strikes in Lebanon. See Security Situation

Terrorists are very likely to launch an attack in Lebanon. Always be vigilant, avoid crowds and crowded places, and follow the advice of Lebanese authorities. Previous attacks have targeted locations where security forces and Western visitors could gather. You should follow the advice of local authorities and check the local news and this travel advice regularly. see Terror

There is an increased risk of terrorism for aviation. As of March 2017, additional security measures have been put in place for flights from Lebanon to the UK. You must work fully with the security officer.

Groups within Lebanon, including Hezbala, are prohibited under the Anti-Terrorism Act 2000 and the Counter-Terrorism (Sanction) (EU Exit) Regulation 2019. Crimes committed under this law, including funding and supporting prohibited organizations, may be prosecuted in the UK.

On 4 August 2020, a large-scale explosion occurred in the port area of ​​Beirut, causing extensive damage to buildings and infrastructure in the city and surrounding areas. Many buildings have not yet been repaired. Buildings may be unsafe, so exercise caution in affected areas.

On July 25, 2022, the Ministry of Public Health issued a statement warning of the potential collapse of Beirut grain storage in the Beirut port area. Since this date, one of the silos has partially collapsed, releasing a cloud of dust around it. Travelers should exercise caution as additional silos continue to risk collapsing. It is recommended to avoid areas within 500 m of the granary. It is not recommended to travel along the Charles Helou motorway in the area around the port (between the intersection of the Beirut River and the George Hadad). In Beirut, it is always recommended to carry an FFP2 or KN95 mask. You must follow the instructions of security personnel. See Safety and Security

The risk of wildfires is high in Lebanon, especially in summer. View natural disasters

There are unexploded bombs and mines everywhere. Avoid trips that deviate from established routes, especially when hiking. This is of particular concern in southern Lebanon. See local tours

You can contact emergency services by calling 112.

The Offshore Business Risk Service provides information and advice on how to manage risks related to political, economic and business security for UK companies operating abroad.




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