Boris Johnson Must Explain The Science Behind Coronavirus Decisions To Maintain Confidence | Latest Brexit News and Updates
PUBLISHED: 9:11 PM March 13, 2020 | UPDATE: 21:17 March 13, 2020

Prime Minister Boris Johnson, alongside Chief Medical Officer of England Chris Whitty (left) and chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance (right), at a press conference on 10 Downing Street, London. Photography: Simon Dawson / PA Wire.
Boris Johnson and the government must provide more scientific data to maintain public confidence in the management of the coronavirus epidemic.
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Shadow Secretary of Occupational Health, Jonathan Ashworth, called on the government to enter the "explanation phase" and to be transparent about the data behind its decisions.
He told the BBC: "The government needs to be clearer with the British public as to why its strategy is correct and the strategy in Ireland or Spain is incorrect.
“ This is why say if the government can publish more scientific data, if it can publish the modeling on which it bases its decisions, if it can explain the assumptions and judgments that ; it does on human behavior and allow scientists, to other experts in the field, to subject it to a stress test, to peer review, I think it will help maintain public confidence . "
He comes as a former director of the World Health Organization (WHO) attacked government policy to use "collective immunity".
Anthony Costello, professor of international children's health and director of the London Institute for Global Health at University College London, questioned the tactics and argued that they appeared to be against the policy established by WHO.
Professor Costello said on Twitter: "Isn't this strategy of collective immunity contrary to WHO policy? After the announcement of this pandemic, Dr Tedros, Director-General of WHO, said: "The idea that countries should move from containment to mitigation is false and dangerous" .
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Prof. Costello said the government was arguing that allowing part of the population to catch the virus and get immunized "would block a second spike in several months".
But he tweeted a series of questions showing skepticism about politics, including: "Will it hamper efforts to limit the immediate epidemic and cause more harm?" 39; infections and short-term death? Evidence suggests that people lose the virus early, and those without any symptoms can cause significant spread …
He also wondered if "coronaviruses cause strong collective immunity or is it like the flu where new strains emerge every year requiring repeated vaccines?" We have a lot to learn about immune responses to Co-V. "
He said there was also an argument to see what had happened in China, where the epidemic was contained there "after 7 weeks of intense national efforts".
He added: “ Without a comprehensive national mobilization plan for social distancing, are the British government's behavior and boost strategies really evidence-based to smooth out the peak? Or simply based on models?
Professor Costello suggested that “ should we not do everything to stifle this epidemic in the UK, with national mobilization at all levels, using all possible preventive measures (whether the evidence is solid, uncertain or weak ) and worry about the herd's immunity when we have more evidence?
He continued: "Vaccines are a safer way to develop collective immunity, without the risks associated with the disease itself. Is it ethical to adopt a policy that threatens immediate losses based on an uncertain future profit? "
However, Martin Hibberd, professor of emerging infectious diseases at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said it was not clear how British policies would work compared to other European policies “ but I suspect that they will be similar. & amp; # 39 ;.
He added: “ The government plan assumes that herd immunity will eventually occur and, from my readings, he hopes it will happen before the winter season, when the disease should become more prevalent.
"However, I fear that developing plans that assume such a large proportion of the population will be infected (and hopefully recovered and immune) is not the best we can do.
"Another strategy could be to try to contain longer and perhaps long enough for therapy to emerge that could allow some sort of treatment."
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