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USA Ultimate suspends competition until April 20


There is still hope for a university post-season.

The second site on the grounds of the 2018 Stanford Invite.
Photo: Simon Pollock

Yesterday, USA Ultimate suspended all sanctioned events – including leagues and university conferences – until April 20 at least.

"We know that some of you will be disappointed and frustrated with some difficult decisions, and they were not taken lightly," said the chairman of the board of directors. USAU, Robyn Fennig, in a press release. “The health and safety of our members, athletes, families and communities is paramount. It is a very difficult time and we are all heading towards unexplored waters. Be careful and take care of each other during this difficult time. Thank you for everyone's cooperation. "

As of Friday, March 13, most of the remaining college tournaments – including the Northwest Challenge, Easterns and the Women's Centex – had been officially canceled. Many local leagues, even those without USAU sanction, have suspended competition for at least the next two weeks.

USA Ultimate marketing director Andy Lee said there is still a possibility of college post-season, although this is far from guaranteed. "All options are on the table and are still under discussion," he said. "If the regional ones happen, we will probably rely heavily on the rankings to determine the offers."

If the regional were also canceled, the ranking may be used to assign automatic auctions and force auctions and send teams directly to nationals.

"Currently, the DI and D-III university championships have not been affected by these cancellations and will continue as planned if authorized by state or local governments and deemed safe," said the statement. USAU. "Ultimately, if the safety of athletes and participants cannot be assured, it is likely that these events will not happen."

Wisconsin and Ohio, the websites of nationals D-I and D-III, respectively, have announced the state of emergency. Ohio closed the school for three weeks and mass gatherings prohibited of 100 or more people. Wisconsin has advised events of more than 250 people be canceled. But without strict schedules, it is unclear whether these restrictions will be in place in May at the national championships.

Many schools also prohibit the movement of club sports teams until April and May. If the playoffs were to take place, many teams would not be able to attend events given the current restrictions.

Many players have questioned on social media about the possibility of extending eligibility in the event of a completely canceled post-season. USAU has yet to discuss anything regarding next year, given the most pressing weeks to come.

It is also possible that the coronavirus pandemic will have an impact on the next club season, although USA Ultimate has yet to make any announcements, and nothing is expected until next month.

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