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Final list of seven UK host cities announced

Final list of seven UK host cities announced


The final list of seven UK cities to host the Eurovision Song Contest 2023 has been announced. Check it out below.

British Sam Ryder finished second in the competition behind the Ukrainian Kalusi Orchestra and scored an impressive 466 points for his song ‘Space Man’.

READ MORE: Sam Ryder’s Debut Album and Life After Eurovision: “Who Knows What Happens Next?”

It was later confirmed that the BBC would host next year’s event in the UK on behalf of Ukraine due to the ongoing war in Ukraine. Since then, many cities have bid to hold the competition.

This morning (August 12), Scott Mills and Zoe Ball released a list of seven potential cities simultaneously on BBC Radio 2 and BBC One.

Possible Eurovision 2023 locations are: Birmingham, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle and Sheffield.

You can see the notice below.

It’s official. Seven UK cities (Birmingham, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle and Sheffield) are on the shortlist to host the #Eurovision Song Contest 2023. Read more

— BBC Press (@bbcpress) 12 August 2022

The BBC’s head of unscripted content, Kate Phillips, said: There are 7 fantastic cities to advance to the next round.

“Congratulations to Birmingham, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle and Sheffield. We are delighted to see such a wide range of bids taking place across the UK. We are committed to offering a truly unique song contest that celebrates the great Ukraine and champions British music and creativity in all its diversity.”

Desired cities have been selected that meet certain criteria for hosting Eurovision: venue capacity, easy access to international airports, and sufficient hotel accommodations to accommodate a minimum of 2,000 delegates, journalists and spectators.

According to the BBC, the selection process focused on cities that could demonstrate experience in hosting major international events and demonstrate their ability to celebrate contemporary music.

This year’s Eurovision runner-up Sam Ryder performs at the BBC Platinum Party at the Palace as part of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations in London on 4 June 2022. CREDIT: Getty

The seven finalists are now required to enter the second and final phase, providing additional details about their plans.

Winners will be selected by the BBC in conjunction with the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), and successful cities will be announced in the fall.

The UK has previously hosted eight Eurovision Song Contests: London (1960, 1963, 1968, 1977), Edinburgh (1972), Brighton (1974), Harrogate (1982) and Birmingham (1998).

Meanwhile, it has been confirmed that the 2023 host city will have to cancel several other events scheduled at the venue of choice to make room for next year’s annual singing contest.




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