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UK government plans to create ‘low tax rate investment zone’ in Wales

UK government plans to create ‘low tax rate investment zone’ in Wales


//= do_shortcode(‘[in-content-square]’)?> Liz Truss. Photos Rob Pinney PA Images

The UK government plans to set up at least one ‘low tax rate investment zone’ in Wales as part of its plan to create a part of the UK where individuals and businesses pay very little taxes.

Sources within the UK government say the first zone will be set up in England, but plans to expand later in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

This came after the UK government reached an agreement with the Welsh government to create one low tax free port in Wales after extended negotiations, which would benefit from streamlined customs procedures, reduced tariffs, tax benefits and development flexibility.

The now proposed investment area, called Totally Local Freeport, was Mrs Truss’ main campaign for Conservative leadership.

Under her plan, Truss said the region would benefit from lower tax burdens, reduced planning restrictions and regulations tailored on a case-by-case basis.

Sun On Sunday reported that the new prime minister is currently weighing whether he can cut personal taxes for the people who work there.

Prime Minister Kwasi Kwarteng did not comment on tax cuts for individuals, but could announce up to 12 investment areas in his highly-anticipated mini-budget on Friday, according to the Sunday Times.

Ministers also discussed whether environmental protection could be undermined in the region to pave the way for new development.

The government is said to be looking at West Midlands, Thames Estuary, Tees Valley, West Yorkshire and Norfolk as first potential sites.

Politics is set to return in earnest after Queens’ funeral, and ministers plan to see the NHS all winter before explaining business support and the Prime Minister wraps up this week’s so-called financial event.

‘win rate’

Westminster’s normal activities were put on hold after the monarch’s death, and both houses were shut down during the official mourning period.

The House is expected to return to the House on Wednesday after a state funeral on Monday, and those who wish to do so can take a new oath or pledge to the king.

The Mr Kwartengs mini-budget, which focuses on addressing livelihood crises and spurring growth, will be delivered on Friday.

It is expected that Truss will confirm its plans to cancel the national insurance increase and cancel the corporate tax increase plan.

The PA understands that a final decision has not yet been made, but it has been suggested that the Treasury Secretary will pursue a move to repeal the bank bonus cap.

Last week Mrs Truss announced her proposal to prevent sky-high energy rates with a move to increase price caps and domestic supply.

This included lifting the ban on fracking and new licenses for North Sea oil and gas.

Truss said it would completely halt the UK’s short-term access to energy security and supply.

But her plans were criticized by the government’s former chief scientific adviser, as the prime minister warned that pushing for more oil and gas production would be in stark contrast to the country’s net zero goal.

Sir David King, who held the position from 2000 to 2007, told The Independent: “Today we are seeing the crisis we are facing.

But we don’t recognize it when we keep saying let’s start a new fracking operation in this country.

It begs for faith.

It seems to show that government leadership does not understand the nature of the climate crisis.


Quarten’s window of opportunity for a financial event is very limited, with politics suspended after the queen’s death and the prime minister is expected to fly to New York for the UN General Assembly after Monday’s funeral.

The MP was due to take a break for conference season on Thursday, but now has to sit one more day to make time for his mini-budget on Friday.

The Congressional Business Newspaper also suggested that the House of Representatives will consider Thursday a proposal to return early from the October 11 meeting adjournment.

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