Army Major and Maryland Doctor Facing Federal Indictment for Allegedly Providing Confidential Health Information to an Alleged Russian Official to Help Russia in the Ukraine Conflict | USAO-MD

Baltimore, Maryland A federal grand jury has returned an indictment charging Anna Gabrielian, 36, and her husband, Jamie Lee Henry, 39, both of Rockville, Maryland, with conspiracy and disclosing identifiable health information individually (IIHI), related to their efforts to assist Russia in the conflict in Ukraine. The indictment was delivered on September 28, 2022 and unsealed today upon the arrest of the defendants.
Gabrielian is due for the first time at 11:30 a.m. today in US District Court in Baltimore before US Magistrate Judge Brendan A. Hurson. Henry is also expected to have a first appearance today, although a time has yet to be set.
The indictment was announced by United States Attorney for the District of Maryland Erek L. Barron and Special Agent in Charge Thomas J. Sobocinski of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Baltimore Field Office.
As stated in the indictment, Gabrielian is an anesthetist and worked at Medical Institution 1, located in Baltimore, Maryland. Henry, a major in the United States Army, who held a secret-level security clearance, is Gabrielian’s husband and a doctor. At the time of the alleged conspiracy, Henry worked as an internist stationed at Fort Bragg, headquarters of the Army’s XVIII Airborne Corps, home of the United States Army Special Operations Command, and the United States Medical Center. Womack’s army.
According to the eight-count indictment, Gabrielian and Henry conspired to cause harm to the United States by providing Russia with confidential information about the health of Americans associated with the government and military. United States. Specifically, the indictment alleges that beginning August 17, 2022, Gabrielian and Henry conspired to supply the IIHI linked to patients at Medical Facility 1 and Fort Bragg to a person they believed to be working. for the Russian government to demonstrate the level of Americans’ access of Gabrielians and Henrys to the IIHI; their willingness to provide the IIIHI to the Russian government; and the possibility for the Russian government to better understand the medical conditions of people associated with the government and the military of the United States in order to exploit this information.
Gabrielian and Henry met with someone they believed to be associated with the Russian government, but who was, in fact, an undercover Federal Bureau of Investigation (UC) agent, to convey to UC their commitment to help the Russia and to discuss ways in which they could help the Russian government. Gabrielian told UC that she had previously contacted the Russian Embassy by email and phone, offering Russia her and her husband’s help. Gabrielian told UC that although Henry was aware of the Gabrielians’ interaction with the Russian Embassy, ​​she never mentioned Henry’s name to the Russian Embassy. Gabrielian wanted to make sure Henry could deny all knowledge of his actions. On August 17, 2022, Gabrielian met with UC at a hotel in Baltimore. During that meeting, Gabrielian told UC that she was motivated by patriotism towards Russia to provide whatever help she could to Russia, even if it meant being fired or going. in prison. Gabrielian offered potential cover stories for meeting UC and stressed the need for plausible deniability in case she was confronted by US authorities about meeting with UC. Gabrielian also told UC that as a military officer, Henry was currently a more important source for Russia than she was, as he had more useful information, including on how the US Army establishes military hospital under wartime conditions and information about previous training. provided by the US military to Ukrainian military personnel. Gabrielian arranged to meet UC and Henry later that evening.
At approximately 8:10 p.m. that evening, the indictment alleges that Gabrielian and Henry met UC in the UC hotel room. During the meeting, Henry told UC that he was committed to helping Russia and had considered volunteering to join the Russian military after the conflict in Ukraine began, but Russia wanted people with combat experience and he had none. Henry further stated that the way I see what is happening in Ukraine right now is that the United States is using Ukrainians as a proxy for its own hatred towards Russia. Henry and Gabrielian reportedly offered to provide UC with private medical records from the US military and Medical Institution 1 to help the Russian government. During the same meeting, Gabrielian demanded that if she was at significant risk of arrest, she wanted her and Henry’s children to have a good flight to Turkey to go on vacation because I don’t want not end up in prison here with my children as hostages. above my head. Henry also indicated that he was worried about passing a background check for his security clearance, telling UC, I don’t want to know your name. . . because I also want plausible deniability. In a security clearance situation, they want to know names and people and all that.
As detailed in the indictment, a few days later, Gabrielian and UC met again at the Baltimore hotel to discuss providing military medical records to UC. Gabrielian told UC that Henry was concerned about violating HIPAA, but Gabrielian had no such concerns. Gabrielian said she would check with Henry to provide Fort Bragg patient medical records and reconnect. The next day, Gabrielian texted UC, using coded language, to inform that Henry would provide the Army medical records to UC. On August 31, 2022, Gabrielian and Henry reportedly met UC in a hotel room in Gaithersburg, Maryland. According to the indictment, Gabrielian provided UC with the IIHI regarding two individuals, including the spouse of an Office of Naval Intelligence employee, whom Gabrielian pointed out had a medical condition that Russia could exploit. Henry also reportedly provided IIHI regarding five individuals who were military veterans or related to military veterans.
If convicted, the defendants face a maximum sentence of five years in federal prison for conspiracy and a maximum of 10 years in federal prison on each count of disclosing the IIHI. Actual sentences for federal crimes are generally lower than the maximum sentences. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering US sentencing guidelines and other statutory factors.
An indictment is not a verdict of guilty. An individual charged by indictment is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty in subsequent criminal proceedings.
United States Attorney Erek L. Barron commended the FBI for its work in the investigation and thanked the United States Army Counterintelligence for its cooperation. Mr. Barron thanked Assistant U.S. Attorney Aaron SJ Zelinsky, who is prosecuting the federal case.
For more information about the Maryland US Attorneys Office and its efforts to protect national security, please visit and
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