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‘RHOP’ Stars React to Ashley Darby Buying a Home With Michael

‘RHOP’ Stars React to Ashley Darby Buying a Home With Michael


They say on the street that even the stars of The Real Housewives of Potomac are troubled by Ashley Darby’s divorce from Michael Darby.

If I was going through a divorce, I wouldn’t be buying a house with anyone, Wendy Osefo exclusively told Us Weekly. I wouldn’t live in the same block. I may not live on the same street or in the same state, but it’s her and it’s her choice. And I think Ashley does a good job of just being strong in the face of adversity, especially since at the end of the day, she’s a mother. And for me as a mom, it’s the priority. It’s interesting because you see everything evolve with Ashley’s story. But I think she does a very good job of keeping this peaceful home environment for her children.

Courtesy of Ashley Darby/Instagram

When asked if Ashley made the right decision, Wendy added: At the end of the day, I come from a divorced household and I would never want to see children placed in this difficult situation. But along the same lines, yeah I think if anyone needs a divorce, it’s Ashley, like, Girl, you could do better!

Us confirmed in April that Ashley and Michael, who share sons Dean and Dylan, have separated after nearly eight years of marriage. In the Season 7 trailer, the estranged spouses were revealed to be buying a house together despite being abandoned.

Robyn Dixon, for her part, admitted to Us that she grew more and more confused every time she spoke to her co-star about the breakup.

I try to give him advice from my point of view. Going through her divorce is really difficult. It’s a huge life changer. And so it might be natural to have these kinds of top-down thoughts or to think that you can get divorced and buy a house with your ex-husband, Robyn explained. Some things didn’t make sense to me, but, you know, for some reason at the time, they made sense to her. Every time we talked about it, I got more and more confused.

Gizelle Bryant told Us that she 100% hopes Ashley comes out on the other side.

Ashley is someone I love and, you know, I love Michael too, but it’s very clear that there’s a disconnect between the two of them. And it’s been there for a little while now, she said, adding that she loves seeing her castmate back there. Single Ashley is down the street. She kills him to death in the streets and I’m not mad at her. She really is living her best life and looking beautiful, all of it. I’m here for this Ashley.

When asked about the house, however, Gizelle made it clear that she wouldn’t do the same: No. I don’t know anyone who’s done that, she joked.

The Real Housewives of Potomac returns to Bravo on Sunday, October 9 at 8 p.m. ET.




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